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  • #13401


    Here is may URL: to my current site
    I am using:
    Wordpress v.3.6
    Catch Everest Pro v.1.4

    I was doing some testing in different browsers and on different devices. I have come across an issue with the mini mobile menu. I discovered it when I was testing on a netbook. Everything works great when the menu is not mini.

    The issue:
    When the browser is resized and activates the mini menu, I click on the main menu, it drops down all my main menu items very nicely as expected. But, when I go to click on the browser’s scroll bar to scroll down to lower menu items, the mini menu disappears, making it impossible to navigate to any of the menu items that are below the fold (or past the first 16 items). It makes sense for the mini menu to disappear when clicking anywhere off the menu within the browser window. But it seems like clicking the browser’s scroll bar should not cause it to disappear. It happens in Chrome v.28, IE v.9/v.8, and FireFox v.22 on a mac and pc. It does not cause this problem when using a mouse with a scroll wheel, a touch pad with scrolling capabilities, or when using a touch screen device. The problem only happens when there is no other option to scroll down a page except to use the browsers scroll bar.

    Hopefully this explanation makes sense.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    @s-design: that mini menu is for use in mobile devices not in Large screen resized. So, you can check in iPhone. It’s perfect and you can scroll down the menu to the last item in menu and touch on it. Also in our mac, if you use your trackpad to scroll then it will not be a problem. But you cannot use the large screen browser scroll bar.

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