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  • #47324

    Hi, sorry for the confusing title.

    I have your kathamndu template.
    I see there is blog template and default.
    I would like to create another template, so that I can use a sidebar at some sides, but at others there is non en the text is centered.

    How can I do that?

    Thank you very much


    @Aleao: Did you check in the layout option in “Appearance => Theme Options => Layout Options”. This changes the layout of overall site. Then if you want to change the layout of specific page/post then you can edit that page/post and then change it from “Catch Kathmandu Options” metabox , where you can see “Sidebar Layout”.

    But if you want further additional layout then you need to build child theme and do it.



    yes, if I use a sidebar as default set in appearance –> theme options – layout options, then all pages are with this sidebar and a decentered text.

    I would like to have some pages without sidebar, just centred text, but if I go to single page I can only set the page attributes from default to blog,

    if I set blog, then all my content of the page disappears.

    I would just like to have sidebar on one page and no sidebar on another.
    Any way to deactivate this by using css?

    Thx a lot


    @Aleao: Please see the screenshot of edit page/post This is from pro version but in free also you will see similar with less options. From there you can change individual page/post sidebar layouts.


    Hi so finally i have figured it out somehow,

    so the solution is that you can change the layout as you have said but only for posts not for pages, so if you want to play around than one has to decide to make this page as a post.

    Thanks for supporting me


    @Aleao: It’s some for the pages as well. You will see the same option box in page and post. If you don’t see it in page, then please check in your “Screen Options”in the Top right of page when you are in edit page. Then make sure you have checked in “Catch Kathmandu Options”. If this is unchecked then you will not get that option.


    Ohhhh, here we go, that was the missing hint, screen options.
    Now it works all great.

    thank us


    ups, was supposed to be thank uuuu


    @Aleao: Cheers 🙂


    I’m quite new at using WordPress and creating websites. I downloaded the Catch Evolution Pro theme. I have the same problem as Aleo with the layout option : I have a default page (content/right sidebar) but would like to use a 3-column layout for the blog part of my website. I created a blog page and blog posts, looked at the screenshot you posted on pinterest to make sure I do things right, I do have the layout options below my posts, however, when I choose 3-column layout, nothing changes, the default layout remains.
    Why that ?

    Thanks for your help!
    Pascale, from Paris, France


    @Pascale: There is problem with your setting. I see that you want to use 3 column layout for your blog part. So, go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Layout Options => Default Layout” and select “Three Columns” as blog and archives pages take the default layout from Theme Options. Then for other pages/post, you can edit those individual posts/pages and change the layout.


    It works allright !!! Thank you !!! 🙂

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