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  • #123909

    My site got hacked. I have been trying many things to resolve the issue. (I already cleaned 404.php and functions.php which both contained malware). Now I wanted to change passwords. After changing the password of the database in the PhpMyAdmin of my host (, I wanted to adjust the password in wp-config.php, using FileZilla. But I was not able to change the file. I could see all the maps, but could not edit them. Finally I got the glorieus idea to download wp-config, edit it, delete the original one, and upload the editted one. Unfortunately, that didn’t work. I am not able to upload it which resulted in my site not working anymore. I tried another ftp client (coreftp), but that one also didn’t do it. First I thought it was an issue with my router or Firewall, so I tried every setting, but nothing worked. Finaly I asked a friend webdesigner (I am just an amateur) to upload my wp-config.php from his workplace. He is also using FileZilla and has clients which are also hosted by Linuxsystems. But also he couldn’t upload anything on my site. So the problem is not with my router/Firewall settings.
    Now I really don’t know what to do anymore and turn to you as my final hope. I hope you can help me.

    Kind regards,


    Have you lodged a support ticket with your web host provider? The issue sounds to be at their end.
    This doesn’t appear to be in any way a theme based issue.


    @mark1974 : I suggest you to take a full backup of the database and clean up all the files. Do a fresh WordPress installation and Upload theme files again. You can contact your Web hosting server to find out if the files are clean or not. Let me know if you need further assistance.


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