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  • #178817


    The theme instructions specify Custom Header Width: 1920px Height: 1080px except I am finding that the image I prepared is getting cropped at the top and bottom. What size should it be?

    I am also a bit uncertain about the size for the featured content images on the home page. Somewhere I found 874×874 but this appears to be much larger than what appears on the page. Please advise.

    I haven’t gotten to this yet but the theme instructions give Post Thumbnail Width: 1068px Height: 567px which is clearly not a thumbnail. I would appreciate it if you could give me all of the correct dimensions and perhaps update the instructions for everyone’s sake!

    Thank you


    @catwingz: Hello catwings, Before uploading the header image make sure that it’s Width: 1920px Height: 1080px, in case if you upload the image of different size then it will automatically cropped it into 16:9 ratio.

    – Featured Content Image will appear in Height: 666px Width: 666px

    – We have provided Post Thumbnail Width: 1068px Height: 567px , but if you want to change the post thumbnail size then I can provide you with necessary code, but for that you need to create the child theme, let me know if you are familiar with child theme customization or not?

    Kind Regards,


    Hi Sapana,

    The image I have created for the header image is 1920px x 1080px. On a 15″ laptop screen this image is being cropped at both the top and bottom so only about half of the height of the image, the middle, is visible. Is this what is supposed to happen?

    My confusion about the thumbnail dimensions is because in my experience thumbnails tend to be small and square like 200px x 200px. This is in fact the case with Clean Journal. I suggest the use of the word ‘thumbnail’ may be misleading in this case.

    Thank you,


    @catwingz:-For increasing Header Image Dimension you can add the following css code
    Go to=> Appearance=> Customize=> Additional CSS=> add the following css code

    #wp-custom-header {
        display: inline-block !important;

    -Regarding the thumbnail dimensions, I will forward this topic to the development team. I hope they will take it into consideration. Thank you for your suggestion Marsha.

    Kind Regards,


    Hi Sapana,

    I added the CSS. This is an improvement but at least a third of the image is still being cropped. Is there anything else I can try? This is odd having troubles with the specified size.

    Thank you


    @catwingz: Hello Marsha, I am not able to access your site, Can you please post in your site url so that I can look into that issue and provide you with possible solution.

    Kind Regards,

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