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  • #91999

    Hi, love the theme, thank you. I am working on a website for a client where they want a full width image across the top of each page…this is fine and I have enabled the featured image option across each page. Unfortunately I cannot get the featured image to display on the blog posts page as it seems that functionality is possibly disabled in the theme…please can you let me know a way that I can get the featured image to display at the top of the posts page with the individual posts then displaying underneath?

    For reference, the test URL is

    Here is an example page where the featured image appears fine –

    Here is the blog posts page where I would like the featured image to also appear:

    Thank you 🙂


    @secretpie: Thank you for using Clean Journal Pro. I think you have no default header image in Dashboard=> Appearance=> Customize=>Header Image and you also don’t have featured image in news & blogs page that you’ve selected as blog page. Please make sure that you have selected desired featured image for news & blogs page.As neither of the header image is not available, no header image is being displayed in the blog page. Hope you understand.
    Let me know if any problem.



    Hi Mahesh, and thank you for the quick reply. Ok, I understand and I have managed to partly resolve the issue by adding the default header image into the theme.

    All of the featured images I am using are running full width of the site and they go in at 2w00px wide. You can see this on a sample page, for example:

    The image I am now using on the Blog page by fixing the issue using your advice seems to be locked at 1200px wide. Is there something I can do to make that page also display the featured image or header image at 2200px wide? You can see the blog page at

    If you can let me know what to do here then I think I am finished and I can get this site put live 🙂

    Thank you in advance 🙂


    @secretpie: Go to Dashboard=> Appearance=> Customize=> Theme Options=> Custom CSS box and add the following CSS:

    #header-featured-image .wrapper{
        width: 100%;

    Hope this helps. Let me know if any problem.



    Hi Mahesh,

    Thank you, looks great now – your help is very much appreciated 🙂

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