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  • #102918

    I have already got the paid Fabulous Fluid Pro, but today I noticed a big problem there!

    In the option “Excerpt Options / Excerpt Length (words)” I notice that the theme count just when the text is in latine words. So my text in arabic letter cannot counted and so I must set the “Excerpt Length (words)” to ZERO and but an english word at the position I want to cut!

    Check it here: http://www.ecuatouring.com/ar/

    This is really too bad and not nice. I know that it can work also with the arabic or other letter. I saw that in other themes.

    So please let the developer solve this big problem.


    @dercncplaner: For this you can simply use the WordPress’s excerpt option. Go to Add/Edit Post page, then on the top right side you’ll find Screen Options click it, some option will slide down. Make sure you check on Excerpt option.
    Then just below content, you’ll see Excerpt text box. Put the text you want to display as excerpt here and click Update.
    Then you are good to go.



    Hello Mahesh,

    this is not a solution, because 1. it don’t solve the problem in this paid theme and 2. it mean for me more work. So it can be just a temp. solution until you solve it in the theme and deliver the solution as an update.

    AND .. it is not about the posts but the pages, to it will not work because I could not find this Wp-option for the pages.

    Please solve this problem in the theme. It is too important.


    @dercncplaner: Just checked with some Arabic text from your site to test whether excerpt function is working or not and the excerpt worked fine. I am not familiar with the Arabic language actually count the words, but it did truncate the content.
    Let me know further.



    have you tested it on posts or on the same position on the slider of the theme? because it did not work with me, so .. I am surprized!


    @dercncplaner: On the slider, custom truncate is being used (substr) which I’m afraid actually doesn’t work with arabic language. But on the other such as blogs list, featured grid etc. the excerpt works. Hope you understand.


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