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  • #16023
    David M

    I just built my first website ( using Catch Everest Free. I am very happy with how it looks but noticed a couple of issues on mobile devices. I made two custom menu placeholders (‘About’ and ‘Services’); these are not clickable themselves, but hovering over them brings up sub-menus. On a PC (Windows 7) and Macbook, they work just fine – hovering brings up the sub-menus. On an iPad, the submenus do not appear and on an Android phone, selecting the menu item leads to a page not found error. Is there a way to fix this?

    Thanks in advance!

    (By the way I could not post this in the Catch Everest Free forum – it says I need to be logged in, though I clearly am…)


    @David M: About your login issue. It must be cache issues. So, you can clear you browser cache and then post in.

    See this forum answer for the empty parent link menu item.

    David M

    Thanks for the rapid response! That fixed the issue on the iPad, but on the Android phone it still gives me a page not found error. (On the phone, the menu appears as a pop-up list instead of a menu bar, due to the small screen size and your nice responsive feature)


    @David M: Not sure about this. As you have empty link so it will show that. Maybe you can just add # in your url and check in.

    David M

    That seems to work – thank you!

    And thank you for the nice theme – as I noted earlier, this was my first attempt to make a website. I found Catch Everest to be relatively easy to use and I’m very happy with how it looks.


    @David M: Thanks for your appreciation.

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