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    I know t’s a vague question, but I will explain why i put it this way.
    It’s my last shot at the problem I have; asked ElegantThemes (Divi Builder), searched in Woocommerce forums and database, wordpress support and my last chance is here.

    Should know I’m not trying to blame the theme, only try once more to find the problem without changing theme , visual builder nor eCommerce solution.

    I like this theme and I’m using it for an artist so i had to make some changes in the CSS to make it look good for him, like black background, etc.

    This theme and Divi Builder had a good relationship, i even say “a good marriage” for a while. Later I installed Woocommerce and things continued to feel good until I saw that some of the content was missing, images specially. Started redoing and saving in the Visual builder but had to do that again, no saving. After a While even all the content disappeared and had to check revisions.

    So i pumped up the shared server with PHP parameters to the liking of WP, and the Divi Builder, and supposedly Woocommerce and things got better BUT still difficult to work with the builder.

    I have searched for days and asked everywhere. Divi people point to Woocommerce… but not sure. Other say to change theme, that I dont wanna do.

    Anyone knows of a similar behavior?, did changing theme and woocommerce CSS provoque the problem?

    Any clues are welcome. Thanks for listening…


    Oh yes, I went through all troubleshooting process like disabling cache, cerber, etc pluguins…


    @brunosalter : For testing purpose you can switch between themes and check easily if its a theme related issue or not. Switch to a different theme and check the behaviour of your site. Let me know your conclusion.


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