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  • #312692

    In the category section i have 4 columns selected. i have 4 categories listed. however, they are stacked on top of each other instead of side by side.

    then in the collection section i have 12 selected but the 2nd selection is not the same icon size as the others. ive tried different pics but its in the code showing a landscape layout instead of a square. the other 11 are all the same, just number 2 collection is shown as a different ratio

    lastly, are there able to have options under each product as for say different sizes available? thanks


    My website is  u can see the items in question. Thnx


    @mylaserlife : Thank you for using Catch Shop Pro theme. I will check for the above mentioned issues and let you know soon. Sorry for the inconvenience caused.



    @mylaserlife : Login to your WordPress admin section.
    Go to Appearance => Customize => Additional css and add the css for a quick fix.

    @media only screen and (min-width: 35.5em) {
    	.layout-four article {
    		width: 50%;
    		float: left;
    		padding: 0 20px;
    @media only screen and (min-width: 64em) {
    	.layout-four  article {
    		width: 25%;

    I will contact you shortly as there seems to be some issue on your site.



    the css was added. republished and refreshed and no changes were made to either of the sections, sent screenshot of actions


    Hi Tim,

    I just check your site and the CSS that you have added is not the same CSS given by Tikaram. When I check the source of your site your CSS is like below:

    @media only screen and (min-width: 35.5em) {
    Â Â .layout-four article {
    Â Â Â Â width: 50%;
    Â Â Â Â float: left;
    Â Â Â Â padding: 0 20px;
    Â Â }
    @media only screen and (min-width: 64em) {
      .layout-four  article {
    Â Â Â Â width: 25%;
    Â Â }

    So, you need to remove that and add the clean CSS as below:

    @media only screen and (min-width: 35.5em) {
    	.layout-four article {
    		width: 50%;
    		float: left;
    		padding: 0 20px;
    @media only screen and (min-width: 64em) {
    	.layout-four  article {
    		width: 25%;

    i literally copied and pasted what was written, so i did not in any way change or adjust the code. i have a screenshot of what was installed and what is installed at this very moment.

    i just redid it text from email instead of copy paste thru here. the category section now has the boxes in landscape ratio and the collection icons is still double the size for 1 item. page is updated if u want to view


    Hi Tim,

    I just check your site and now it’s showing in columns. You have selected 4 columns layout but only added 3 categories. So, you need to add 1 more category and then it will show the 4.



    welllllll, if u look at your theme mockup u will see 3 blocks take up the entire space. which is not the case with my version. also, u didnt address the other icon that is twice the size as the other items.


    Hi Tim,

    If you want to make it as 3Columns then you need to go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Featured Category” and then in Layout, you need to select “3 columns”.

    Which icon that you are talking about? Can you explain?



    YES. If u look at the next bank of collections u will see 12 icons. 11 of them are the same and the 2nd one is twice the size as the others.



    i wish this site allowed for image posting and or your email wasnt a no reply then everything wouldnt have to go thru here


    Hello Tim,

    Actually its not an issue as you can check in the demo as well. The second items is supposed to take more space as it is the masonry layout. If you would like to get even sized layout for all items please add the following additional css.

    .collection-wrapper .hentry:nth-child(2) .hentry-inner {
        min-height:325px !important;

    Let me know if this helps you out.



    this is getting upsurd, i went from 4 to 12 categories and there is n0 spacing between the vertical icons. would be nice if the description of each category wasnt a black ugly box thats not manipulatable. i would like to make them square like the rest of all the blocks with the description underneath them, like the rest of the blocks. theres also no way of adjusting the main icon logo for size. looks like a thumbnail. im getting closer, dont know why the default settings dont include the layout default of whats shown in the demo. would love to be able to post a screenshot to show the concerns


    Hello Tim,

    I have already contacted you.



    Hello, it’s been 5 days since I’ve sent over my wordpress credentials as requested and I haven’t seen or been contacted on how to make any adjustments.

    the items I’m interested in or concerns I have are the following:

    – category section when having more the 4 items and it becomes more than 1 row there is no horizontal space between the cat pics. I.e they are stacked and look like a big vertical picture looks, like a row of pictures all connected

    – can the black box that displays the category name be at the complete bottom of the pic, can it be full width of the pic and can it be a constant height so all the category descriptions look exactly the same less the picture?

    – can I change the color of that back box

    – can’t find the section to put icons like the main photo slider with the 6 small boxes directly below it

    – can’t figure out how to enlarge logo pic and have information on the left and right side of it like on demo

    i can obviously add the logo but it’s extremely small and there’s no changeable tile for the sides?

    I really love the theme but clearly I’m not a programmer, and wish the default version of the theme started with the demo layout options on instead of figuring out how to add them to a very light version. With all support having to go thru the forum im sorry have to post all the questions here. Thanks


    Hello Tim,

    Regarding the category section : The items in the category section are missing class which is causing issue on your site. Please respond to my email with the correct credentials so that I can check the issue and provide you the fix. The black box along with the color of the box can be adjusted but we need to fix the broken layout first.

    Regarding the section to put icons below the header section : Login to your WordPress admin section.
    Go to Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Logo Slider
    Enable the section. Select the desired Logo slider type and select the items to display and publish it.

    Please check the theme instructions tab to know more about adding Logo slider form the following link
    You can find “How to add logo slider?” in the theme instructions tab

    You will need to create a social menu and assign the menu Header Social Left Menu to display it in the left side of your logo and It looks like you have already added the items on the right side.

    To enlarge the logo please add the following additional css. Your logo seems to contain extra space. You may need to crop the exact logo part only and upload it again.

    .custom-logo {
        max-width: 300px;



    the logo itself is png with completely transparent background and the image itself is about 1:2 height / width. i added the css and it didnt change any of the appearance. however, i did add it in the additional css in customizing. if im suppose to edit it in the main code please confirm.

    also i cant get the same size boxes under the main media header with the 6 icons like shown on the demo? please advise on what section that is in and how to make it layout just as its shown.

    also, no update on the category spacing

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