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  • #316483


    I’ve been using the Catch ScapeShot Pro theme for sometime now and I’m very happy with it. However, I just realized that my top navigation menu wasn’t sticking to the top. I have to scroll back up to the top of the page to access the menu. So I did some research and found there is a Catch Sticky Menu plugin made by you guys. I installed it and tried to set it up with different desktop and mobile css selectors but I just couldn’t get it to work.

    Can you please advise how I can make my top nav menu sticky using the Catch Sticky Menu plugin?

    Here is my site:

    Thank you!


    @penchant : Thank you for using ScapeShot Pro theme. Please try using #masthead as the desktop and mobile selector. Let me know if this helps you out.



    Thank you so much for your reply! I’m now using #masthead as the desktop and mobile selector like you suggested. However, it doesn’t fully work. The menu sticks for a second, but as you scroll down more the menu doesn’t stay at the top, it moves up off of the screen with the header. You can see it by taking a look at my site again. I kept the selectors as #masthead so please see if you can figure out whats wrong. Kindly suggest what I should try now to make the menu stick to the top. Here is my site again:

    Thank you!


    @penchant : Can you please try deactivating all other plugins and test your site again. Looks like there is some plugin conflict with out theme. Please follow the link below to know more about plugin conflict with our theme.
    If you are still having issue after deactivating other plugins please let me know.


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