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  • #85401

    Hi, I’ve downloaded the latest version of “Catch Responsive” for a new website, but I can’t find the slider options like I had in my previous website with a previous version

    (new version on the left, older on the right)


    Hi @lucapresidente,

    It seems to be working fine on our server.
    The option hiding and showing in the customizer is a bit tricky. The selected option should match the page that is currently displayed on the right side. For example if you have selected Homepage/Frontpage in Slider enable on option, you must have home page displayed in the right side or else the options won’t be displayed.
    I hope you understand.



    Thank you! I’ve found that the page preview on the right doesn’t work on my mozilla firefox, it works with chrome, so I can work now.

    Again, thank you!


    Hi @lucapresidente,

    Thank you for your appreciation.
    Should work on firefox too. Let me know if any problem that I could help you with.
    Have a nice day.


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