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  • #333034
    Ozgur Tetik

    Hi, I am using Bold Photography Pro version where I can see No Sidebar Full width template. I set that as my page template. However, I cannot utilize the full width of the page.What am I doing wrong?


    Hello Ozgur,

    Thank you for the query.

    While I checked on the theme there were no any issues on the ‘No Sidebar Full Width’ template. Please kindly send me the URL you’ve posted on that template so that I can directly test on your site.



    Ozgur Tetik

    for example on this page I selected 4 columns but I can only add 3 pictures,

    Ozgur Tetik

    Sorry I have updated the page and places 4 pricing information column. As you can see pricing section doesn’t look normal

    Ozgur Tetik

    The block I used is pricing table. It was originally 3 columns where I have added the 4th one in between “Classic” and “Epic” packages. It should have yellow background but shows as black.

    I have added another pricing information block under the 4 pricing options as “Shared Features”. Supposed to have light gray background but it only shows black.

    Colors are correct in page editing section.

    I am doing something wrong somewhere but where??


    Hello Ozgur,

    I’ve checked the URL that you’ve sent. There are some alignment issues.

    1. For the buttons remove the alignfull and set it to align none
    2. For the wp-block-columns remove alignwide and set it to none.
    3. Lastly for the third pricing column you should set background color, right now its default dark so the text is not seen.

    If you encounter any further issues or have any confusions, feel free to reach out.


    Ozgur Tetik

    Hi Sujapati,

    1. I have removed the alignment from the buttons but problem still exists (buttons are correctly displayed on mobile view but not on the desktop view)
    2. Removing alignwide solved the positioning issue on the wp-block-columns, Thanks

    I already set the background color as yellow for the 3rd pricing column. Same problem is exists with “Shared Features” pricing list. It has light grey background but it doesn’t display. Both on mobile and desktop view.


    Ozgur Tetik

    I think I see the issue.

    Working column
    <div class=”wp-block-column has-text-color has-background has-link-color wp-elements-d56ee3cbeeeec3455d5d553688e094c9 is-layout-flow wp-block-column-is-layout-flow” style=”color:#000000;background-color:#d1d1e1;padding-top:2em;padding-right:2em;padding-bottom:2em;padding-left:2em”>

    Non-working column
    <div class=”wp-block-column has-yellow-background-color has-text-color has-background has-link-color wp-elements-8381345f4180d39b5b8879fe5b04898a is-layout-flow wp-block-column-is-layout-flow” style=”color:#000000;padding-top:2em;padding-right:2em;padding-bottom:2em;padding-left:2em”>

    Non-working column doesn’t get the same settings as working column. background color has been assigned differently. In working column, background color is assign in “style” section. Non-working column doesn’t have background setting in “style” section


    Ozgur Tetik

    Update: I have managed to fix the buttons with clearing width value from them.

    Column background issue is remaining…


    @ozgur:  I will contact you shortly.

    Ozgur Tetik

    Update: using gradient instead of solid color solves the issue but using solid colors still gives the problem.


    @ozgur: Sorry for the inconvenience. There were some issues on our theme, which will be fixed in the theme update. You will get notified very soon.



    Ozgur Tetik

    Hi Sujapati,

    Thanks for your prompt response and effort to solve the issue. At least there is a workaround until the theme update.



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