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  • Sakin

    @saadghauri: You can just add the following CSS in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.

    .featured-image img, .entry-content img, .comment-content img, .widget img, img.header-image, .author-avatar img, img.wp-post-image {
        box-shadow: none;

    @oly: If you use Pro version, then for slider you can use Featured Image slider. Featured Image slider allows you to upload the image of any size.


    @electricidee: It would have been easy for me to answer if you have posted your site URL. Looks like you are using Catch Box Free theme. If you see the theme instruction of Catch Box, it’s mentioned there that the best size for the featured slider is Width: 644px and Height: 320px.

    So, the best use will be adding the featured image of Width: 644px and Height: 320px and you will have all image same. If the image is bigger then the size mentioned it will automatically crop the size but if it is smaller then it will just show the smaller image.

    Another, is that if you have just change your theme from other theme then you need to regenerate the thumbnail.


    Hello Sakin!

    Im in trouble… I have created a WordPress-Site with Catch Everest. Now here is my Problem:

    The Slider doesnt Slide. In featured Slider Options I have set “Enable Slider” for Homepage/Frontpage, Number of Slides “2” and in “featured Post Slider Options” I put the Post ID´s for the Posts which I want to Show in the Slider. The Page Numbers are 96 & 89. Now just the First Post is showing in the Slider, and the Slider doenst Slide to show the Second Post…

    Please Help, Im a beginner and need to fix that, so please help.

    Thanks a lot and greetings from Germany!

    Here the Site


    Ok, sorry I will explain. I am using Catch Everest Pro. It’s a great theme. I want the header image uploaded in wp to link to a page other than the homepage. I am not talking about the featured slider, or the featured header image, but just the custom header (above the slider and menu if no featured header image). I am using a jpeg as the custom header, and I have turned off “show text” in the header. So it is just a pure jpeg on the left (about 700-800 px wide). And the right header sidebar on the right (200 px). Clicking on the header jpeg area in any page takes me back to the homepage, I want it to take me back to the locations page. The URL is not live yet (, I have created a admin password for you to take a look. I sent the email. Thanks again in advance!



    Thank you so much man, you provide great support. How do I enter custom css to remove the grey outline showing up on every image? I’m talking about this code (which I got from the ‘inspect element’ tool in chrome)

    .featured-image img, .entry-content img, .comment-content img, .widget img, img.header-image, .author-avatar img, img.wp-post-image {
    box-shadow: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);

    I don’t want there to be a box shadow


    @jmott310: Sorry I don’t get it. Do you mean Featured Post Slider. Can you explain it and also send us your site URL.


    hey hi how we could have more than 2 sliders on homepage without using featured post slider. I am use catch Everest theme free version.


    Worked perfectly. I should have recognized that.


    @saadghauri: Thanks for your questions. You site looks nice. Thanks for using Catch Everest Pro theme.

    I would like to decrease the size of the slider from Width: 1140px
    Height: 450px to Width: 1140px Height: 250px, how do I do this?
    — I think you have already found the solution for this. You just need to use the Featured Image Slider and then you can upload your own custom size images.

    Secondly there is too much empty space everywhere, I am being asked to reduce this, how do I do that?
    — This is clean and responsive design. So, the spaces are changed as per the screen size. You need to be specific on your question about which space you want to change and in which screen sizes range.

    Specifically I would like to reduce the space on home page between home page text, bottom bar and footer. That is, the space after the ‘Microsoft Great Plains), Microsoft dynamics ®CRM and Microsoft Dynamics ® AX (formerly Microsoft Axapta.)’ text ends
    — You can adjust the padding in the following CSS and add it in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.

    @media screen and (min-width: 1060px) { 
    .home .hentry {
        padding-bottom: 50px;

    @cbtoolkit: Thanks a lot for pointing out the issue in Catch Box Pro Theme. We will fix this issue in upcoming version 2.3. Until the release you have just hide the slider in the blog page by adding the following CSS in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.

    .blog #slider {
        display: none;

    I just updated my CE theme and now the slider is no longer recognizing the second two featured posts. The post slider was working fine before the update. All the suggestions below have been checked and are set. Has anyone found a solution to this issue?


    @kirsten0203: Check your site. I am being able to upload theme. I just login to your site then went to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider”, then selected image slider. Then I clicked on “Uploads”. Since you already have images in the media library, then I clicked on “Media Library” and click on “Show” for the image I wanted to add. Then clicked on “Insert into Post”.


    I went back to the featured post slider 🙁 so I would not have a broken site. I am disappointed because the whole reason I upgraded was to have the slider without links. I hope there is an easy fix.

    simon olley

    Thanks I updated to 1.2.1 and emptied cache and that has solved the menu thing.

    The featured slider is still showing the inner white block on the title – will I need to rebuild the featured post sliders from scratch?


    @Riverola: I don’t know what are you talking about. It should work fine. Yes sometime, your browser will give your cached version of site. In that case clear your browser cache and check it.


    @ages802: If you search in this forum. You will find the answer. The figure Mount Everest and Nepal images are Featured Slider. In the Free Catch Everest Theme, you have option to add in Featured Post Slider. But in Pro version it have more options like Featured Image Slider, Post Slider, Page Slider, category slider. You can check the additional featured in catch Everest Pro theme at

    See this forum post to see how to add Featured Post Slider in Catch Everest Theme


    1. I know that this issue has been raised over and over again, I have tried everything I could do (as a newbie), and read pretty much everyhting related to thumbnails on this forum, but nothing worked : on my front page, how can I align my post thumbnails to the left of the post excerpts ??? is there a simple way to do that with the custom CSS ??
    — At present, Catch Everest Pro theme doesn’t have that layout. Only Simple Catch Pro theme has that Layout.
    But you can try little trick like this. Just Go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Layout Options” and select “Full Content Display” in content layout and also select “Disable Image” in “Content Featured Image Size”. Then in your post just add in the image with left align and first paragraph of content. Then you can split the content through The More tag. See this for more tag

    2. Then, I would like to upload a nice and wide banner at the top of my site, which would include my logo but would be wider than the 300px wide limit allowed for logo (I know it is a stupid precision, since we are speakingabout a banner), but I did not find anything else than the logo uploading facility …
    — You can upload the logo up to the size of 1140px width from “Appearance => Header”. That 300px is just a suggested size. When you upload the header image, you will get “Crop Header Image” box. At that time, just click on “Skip Cropping, Publish Image as Is” or scroll your mode to what you want to crop and click on “Crop and Publish”.

    3. I would like to fix my menu bar, so that when users scroll down, the menu bar remains visible on the top of the site (but not the banner). Is there a simple way to do that ?? Is that possible with this theme?
    — This is not possible with the theme. But yes you might try searching in the plugins.

    4. I also tried to replace one of the three little posts which are right under the slider (post hentry), by giogn into the theme options and to homepage featured content … but nothing happened. I would like to link those three little images with 3 different pages of my site … is there a better way to do it than going into the theme option?
    — It should be fine if you haven’t edit any theme file. You should go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Homepage Settings => Homepage Featured Content Options”. Then you can Add in your own image, links, title and content. Then click on Save Changes.


    I don’t want to split content- I need the post to be formatted. I want the layout to look like this:

    I need the featured slider at the top and the post to be formatted with the except and a featured image to the left, just as the site above has.

    At one time the post page worked exactly as I wanted it to. I changed the name of the page that it was shown on from “blog” to “news” and it seem to break it.


    In reply to: Images on front page


    Hi saskin, sorry I have two other little questions:
    1) first when I uploaded the featured slider images, clicking on the image the image appeared much bigger . Now I must habe make some mistake as no bigger images appears when i click on the image. There must be a functions for getting them bigger.

    2) very urgent: as per mistake i saved the wp application here:
    but the correct URL for public is without /wp the provide told me to disinstalle the application and to reinstall
    Question : can I then redownload the protheme ?? its the same IP adress . I hope I donß t have to pay again.
    Please answer me urgent on this as I don´t have the courage for now to disinstall being afraid to loose the theme then.
    kind regards,

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