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  • #11606

    @ImpelPro: About your subdomain and all. Please consult with your development team. We have support only for the theme related queries. Yes, you can install WordPress in Subdomain as well.

    1. How to remove the left, top, right, and bottom margin so that the page is displayed full-size on the screen?
    — You cannot just make the site Full Size. It’s the responsive design and adjust as per the screen size. To remove the top and bottom margin, you can just add the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.
    .site { margin: 0 auto; }

    — We don’t recommend width full size. But if you insist, you can try to add the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.
    .site { width: 100%; }

    2. How to ensure that when the page is made full-size the floating social media control on the left does not go outside the screen?
    —- It will be inside.

    3. Presently i have specified the css within the HTML tags on each page, how can i specify my own css and add that to the HTML tags?
    — You can add Custom CSS in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.

    4. How can i customize my side-slider for individual pages, for example on careers page under resources menu
    — Oh you mean the sidebar. There is optional sidebar in Catch Everest Pro but not in free one. Maybe you can search or plugin at for custom sidebar.

    Home Page –
    1. How to change fonts and reduce the height of footer section (footer 1, footer2, and footer3)?
    — Adjust the css as per your need and add the following CSS in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.

    /* Footer Sidebar Font */
    #footer-sidebar { font-size: 12px; font-family: sans-serif, Arial; }
    /* Footer Sidebar Widget Title Font */
    #footer-sidebar .widget-title { font-size: 20px; }
    /* Footer Widget Margin Bottom */
    #footer-sidebar .widget { margin-bottom: 50px; }

    2. How to change the fonts and spacing for Featured content options?
    — Adjust the css as per your need and add the following CSS in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.
    #featured-post { font-family: sans-serif, Arial; }

    3. Home Page – How to resize the images for Featured content options?
    — Adjust the css as per your need and add the following CSS in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.
    .featured-homepage-image { }

    Looking at your questions, I suggest you to hire a developer for your project. This will give your site professional look.


    In reply to: Featured Slider issue


    @kdhutto1: Cheers 🙂


    In reply to: Featured Slider issue


    Thank you! Once again you’ve solved the problem!


    @alessandra: Fist you are not allowed to remove the footer credit link from any free theme. It’s the only source of recognition for free theme and support. But if you like to change or remove it then you need to upgrade to Catch Everest Pro theme, there you have Footer Editor Options to change the footer text. You can see more details about Catch Everest Pro at

    About the slider, all our free themes comes with Featured Post Slider. This slider is created to highlight your Post. So, you don’t have option to remove the link. If you are developer then you can adjust the function by build the child theme. But if you want easy option, then you can use “Image Slider” where you can just upload your image, title, content, link all optional. But this option is only there in Pro version. See this screenshot


    @Trishah: You code looks like just replace that
    <?php the_post_thumbnail('thumbnail'); ?> with

    <?php if( has_post_thumbnail() ):?>
    	<a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php printf( esc_attr__( 'Permalink to %s', 'catchbox' ), the_title_attribute( 'echo=0' ) ); ?>" rel="bookmark">
    		<?php the_post_thumbnail('featured-slider'); ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    then you need to check in those post has featured image or not. If those post don’t have featured image then it will not display the image. See this for featured image


    In reply to: Featured Slider issue


    @kdhutto1: About your slider, if you have one long title and another short title, then you will have this issue. We cannot make the height fixed due to responsive design as it need to adjust as per the screen size. So, here what you can do is. For the post that has long title, you can shorten the content through post excerpt box. You can just add the few words only in the excerpt box. This can help you give more control of the text. See this for Excerpt Box:

    Same with the menu, we cannot make that as we don’t know how long will be your menu. You can try increasing the padding of the menu. For example, in the following css I have increase the padding left and right to 54px. If you like that then you can add the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.

    #branding a {
        padding: 0 54px;

    @nicolet531: If you use the post slider in Catch Box, it will take your Featured Image from the post. If the image is higher then Width: 644px and Height: 320px, then it will crop to Width: 644px and Height: 320px. If it is lower then this size, then it will show you your original size.

    But you have flexibility to use or own image size if you are using Featured Image Slider.

    The Colon (:) is the separator between then title and excerpt content of the post. If you want to remove that, then you have to add in the custom css to hide it.


    @jackwagon: You have blocked my IP. So, I am not being able to access it. So, I assume you are using Simple Catch Free theme and I am going to give you css as per that.

    You can simply add the following CSS in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.
    .featured-text { display: none; }



    sakin gave me the answer to this awhile back. You need to use CSS. It should be.
    #slider-wrap .featured-text { display: none; }

    He can check me on that.


    Sakin –
    Regarding post #11352. Thank you for getting back to me. I would like to get rid of of the text (coming from the post content) that is appearing underneath my featured slider on the home page. (talks about ingredients). All I want is the photographs, no text. Not sure how to get rid of it.

    I thought I could get rid of it by checking off the box in theme options> featured slider> featured post slider > add slider options > exclude slider posts from home page posts box, but nothing happens when I check it or uncheck it. The text still remains.

    to view the problem please go to

    I can get rid of the text by publishing a post for the slider with no writing. As soon as I enable the blog, it looks horrible. This leaves me with an empty published post in the blog, so this does not work.

    How can I get rid of the text underneath my featured slider in the home page?



    @heatherlb: Thanks looking forward to see your website. All the best. 🙂


    I took out the code and cleared my cache…. seemed to do the trick. Thanks!
    (I’m working locally…happy to share a URL soon as I’ve got something ready to go live.) You’re going to like how awesome your great theme looks in this website I’m working on! 😉


    @heatherlb: Please add in your site URL. If you have latest version, then it should have been fine. Did you clear your browser cache and checked in.


    @Davide: I see that you are using Catch Everest Pro theme and you have issue adding in the Featured Slider.

    To add Featured Slider. Go to “Appearance => Featured Slider”. Then you will see this type of Slider Options

    So, now you can choose which type of slider you want. For easy option, just select the “Image Slider” and then in “Featured Image Slider Options”. Just upload the image and details as per your need.

    For more about the slider. See the theme instruction at


    Hi Sakin, I’m having the same problem with the title text on the slider… no background and no left padding.

    I used your custom CSS, and it fixed the problem, but I thought updating my theme should have fixed it without resorting to a custom CSS fix (I have theme version 1.3 installed). Am I overlooking something?


    @jackwagon: I don’t get it what you mean. You can enable it back.


    Sorry – ad an addendum. The front page post category setting is showing up as “disabled”. My website is


    My exclude slider posts from home page check box is not working. My slider has post writing underneath. How can I get rid of it?

    I created a “blank” post so there would be no writing but that didn’t work either b/c when I activated the blog I had 3 empty blog posts.

    Is it possible to have a slider image w/o a post showing up on the blog?
    if I have to put in content in the post, how can i keep that content from showing up underneath my slider. I’ve checked and unchecked the exclude box in the slider options several times and is not doing anything.

    tx so much


    Make sure yoru post is “published”.


    @flexprofinance: You should have posted your site URL and I can look at it.

    Are you talking about the 3 images under the slider. That is called Homepage Featured Content. You can change that.
    1. Click on “Appearance => Theme Options => Homepage Settings => Homepage Featured Content Options” from your WordPress Dashboard.
    2. Then upload the image and content as per your need and click on save changes

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