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    I do all the steps I am supposed to get the images to resize to NORMAL width for the slider and it wont SAVE! I load the image and scale, then do the crop, and it wont SAVE so instead I get the scaled size image which is too high! HELP!!!


    And why is a colon (:) appearing before the text I place into the image description?


    @nicolet531: If you use the post slider in Catch Box, it will take your Featured Image from the post. If the image is higher then Width: 644px and Height: 320px, then it will crop to Width: 644px and Height: 320px. If it is lower then this size, then it will show you your original size.

    But you have flexibility to use or own image size if you are using Featured Image Slider.

    The Colon (:) is the separator between then title and excerpt content of the post. If you want to remove that, then you have to add in the custom css to hide it.

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