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  • #12116

    @Sakin: Thanks for that! Works perfectly,

    could you also perhaps let me know if there is a way to remove the first white box along the featured post slider, as in the images on the homepage? As well anyway to round the corners of the second box with the quotes?


    @adongol: I am not sure what do you mean by Heading text. Do you mean the title of the page and post. There in easy to use Font Family Options and color Options in Catch Everest Pro theme. But for free theme, you need to add CSS in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” and adjust it.

    When you add css, make sure it is compatible with the Mobile devices, especially the font size.
    .entry-header .entry-title { font-family: sans-serif,Arial; font-size: 30px; color: #222; }

    How can I remove the comments section of the page?
    — You can remove comments section of the page from “Edit Page” discussion box. There you have to uncheck Allow Comment. See this

    Is it possible to remove the white arrows on the featured image on the front page (I only have one image)
    — You can just add the following CSS in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.
    #slider-nav { display: none; }


    @senna: You can just say it worked and it’s fine. Thanks 🙂


    How do I let everyone know that this has been resolved?


    Thanks for the Pinterest link. The only thing that I wasn’t doing was clicking on the URL Link. That made the difference. Everything was sized correctly so I couldnt understand why the images wouldn’t upload. So it was just clicking on the URL button before clicking “Insert into Post”
    Thanks for the quick response. I was just about to change themes, but I love this one.


    Hi Sakin,
    I have only just started today to build on the website. I hadn’t had an opportunity to remove any widgets from the homepage. I had started to upload images in the slider and had problems with that which I will respond to your answer in the correct thread.
    I have deactivated the theme, deactivated all plugins and then started again. I still can’t move or open any widgets. The first one that I put in was the Featured map location on the contact page which didn’t look right and then when I went to fix it, the widget for the contact page wouldn’t open. So far the only plugin that I have now is the contact form7 which I have deactivated just to see if it was that but the widgets weren’t working even then. I am at a loss to figure why none are working.


    @senna: In Catch Mustang theme, there is 5 different type of slider that you can choose from. See this screenshot
    1. Featured Image Slider
    2. Featured Post Slider
    3. Featured Page Slider
    4. Featured Category Slider

    But only in “Featured Image Slider” you can upload the image and add in your slider. For page and post slider, you need to add the ID and for Category Slier you need to select categories.

    For image slider, after you upload the image. You need to check on the size you want and then click on “Insert Into Post”


    Awesome! I thought that might be it..

    I’ll check it out later.


    @cbtoolkit: In our site the images in the slider width is 980px whereas the site width is 1000px. So, just increase the width of the images.This will remove the grey background in left and right.

    To remove the margin between the menu and slider, you need to add the following css.
    #branding #access { margin-bottom: 0; }


    I also attempted to set the margin below the main menu at pulse to “0 auto 0”.

    It works when I am modifying the element in chrome in real-time but when I save that into the custom CSS it doesn’t alter it.

    #access { margin: 0 auto 0; }

    Basically, making the image full-width, no space between main-menu at the top, no gray background/border on the image at all.



    I added a 0 bottom margin for #main on the demo site.

    However, on the site, I still get a left and right dark gray edge that I do not want. I’ll leave it for now so you can check it.


    Here is what I came up with…

    #slider.slider-fullwidth {
      margin: 0px;
    #slider-wrap a {
       padding: 0;


    Here is my demo site..

    I’ll be doing the same for this site.


    @speedie: To link to page, you need to use Featured Page Slider instead of Featured Post Slider. This option is there only in Catch Everest Pro version. Check out cool features in Catch Everest Pro at


    @cbtoolkit: Can I take a look at your site?


    In reply to: Automatic Slider


    @Bill Pagonas: If you are using Simple Catch Pro theme and you want your latest post to go in the slider, then you must use “Featured Category Slider”.

    To use featured category slider,
    1. Go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Slider Options”. Then in “Select Slider Type”, you need to select “Featured Category Slider”.
    2. After you select the “Featured Category Slider”. You need to select the category from “Featured Category Slider Options”. If you want from all category then you can select multiple category.


    In reply to: Dots in image


    @Marianne: Please share your site URL when posting message. Are you using Simple Catch Free Theme? Then you can disable Slider Background Effect from “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Post Slider => Slider Effect Options” in your WordPress Dashboard.


    In reply to: Side bar now showing


    Thanks for the reply, I have been away so I apologise for the delay!

    It is very important that the featured post slider function is still enabled on the homepage. Is there really no way this can be achieved at the same time as having a sidebar? Seems like quite a negative for such an impressive theme!?…


    @Yago: Do you mean you want to change the Homepage Slider image and the Featured Content Image.

    To change Homepage Featured Post Slider and Homepage Featured Content. See the theme instruction . You can check “How to Add Featured Post Slider?” and “Homepage Featured Content Options” section in the Theme Instruction page.


    Excellent, thank you, that worked perfectly. Just curious, is there anyway to have it moved next to the slider featured images on the right?

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