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  • #273836

    @healthbiblio: Hello there,
    For that you will need to use the Featured Slider section.

    Go to => Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Enable the Section => Select the pages you want to have on the slider and Publish.

    Kind Regards,


    @stefanhbm: Hello Stefan,
    Go to => Appearance => Customize => Additional CSS and add the following CSS Code.

    /* To make nav bar transparent */
    .nav-primary {
        background-color: transparent;
    /* To stretch the Content Window */
    .site {
        width: 100% !important; 

    Can you please let me know which font you would like to use in the Navigation menu?

    You can replace the Header Image with the Slider.
    Go to => Appearance => Customize => Header Media => Enable on => Select Disabled and Publish.

    Go to => Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Enable the Section and Select your options and Publish.

    Let me know if this works out!
    Kind Regards,


    @Skandha Thanks for the info! When I get to “Featured Slider”, I enable it on the home page and I can see various options. I don’t see “Custom Images” anywhere. I can choose “Custom” as a “slider type” and I can choose various images, but that’s the problem. When I choose a custom image, it gets scaled much larger than its natural size and I can’t control the image options anywhere I can find.

    What am I missing?

    Thanks in advance!


    @tomdkat: Hello there,
    Did you try using the Featured Slider section for this?

    Go to => Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Enable the section and try using Custom Images.

    Let me know if this works out!
    Kind Regards,


    @henebe: Hello Heinz,
    Go to => Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Display Content => Select Full Content and Publish.

    Let me know if this works out!
    Kind Regards,


    @laia: Hello there,
    You will need to select the pages whose featured images you want to show in the slider. The images you selected are just logo images on top of the slider.

    Go to => Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Select the pages and Publish.

    Let me know if this works out!
    Kind Regards.


    Hm, that did the job.
    However, there must be a way to turn off the automatic display of the About Me (or the Publications) page all over the site.

    Let’s tackle this one by one:
    The reference is

    1. The display of the About Me content on the Homepage right underneath the Featured Slider is fine anyway – beside of the right very high picture (which is an automatic crop). How am I getting rid of this automatically added cropped picture on the right? It does look absolutely fine on the actual About Me page. Why is it adding this ugly strip?

    2. If I now select any of the Blog Posts or the Publications for example, it is showing an About Me text – which isn’t even up to date anymore.
    There must be a way to turn this off in general without having to use additional CSS code with the Post ID of each and every single page.

    Thank you!


    Hi Tikaram,

    Thank you for the answer.
    I also see a solution, I think. That is not tp display the featured slider on that page. Is there a css possibility to do that (not display the featured slider on just one page)

    Kind regards

    Hans Hagmeijer


    @twillig: Hello Thomas,
    For that you will need to use the Featured Slider Section.

    Go to => Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Enable the Section and Select the option you want to use and finally Publish.

    Let me know if this works out!
    Kind Regards,


    @queenbuzzy: Please add the following additional css and let me know.

    .featured-slider .slides {
    	background-color: #89b59d !important;


    Shane Stillmunkes

    You can see the featured slider is full screen, but the image at the bottom has padding.


    Greetings, regarding Clean Fotografie Pro theme: Portfolio galleries are still an issue. I have the following plug-ins: “Catch Gallery”, “Essential content type”, and “Jetpack”. I have activated and deactivated and activated again. I have set up every type of gallery in “add new portfolio items” – group, individual image, columns. I have tried using posts or pages for the galleries as portfolio items. All images are static with the exception of a slideshow – by activating Jetpack portfolio feature. This does not allow me to view an individual image other than to pause the slideshow. I’m quite frustrated with this as the theme is nothing like the “demo” at this point. The featured slider works great. The gallery images are the whole point of this site. I look forward to some advice/assistance regarding this. Thank you, Barbara (


    Hi Tikaram,

    I did some “research” as far as I can do.
    The real problem is -I think- the combination of the anchor link in combination with the sticky menu.
    After clicking on the anchor link in the table of content, the content of the anchor link disappears behind the featured slider and te sticky menu.

    I tried different solutions, but non of them worked, or I did something wrong.

    The page is

    Thank you for a reaction

    Kind regards

    Hans Hagmeijer


    The problem is a bit more difficult.
    I removed the featured slider in total.
    There was no significant difference.
    The anchor content still disappears, but now behind the menu and the logo area (above the menu).

    Kind regards

    Hans Hagmeijer


    @stinpriza: Hello there,
    Go to => Appearance => Customize => Additional CSS and add the following CSS Code.

    @media screen and (min-width: 64em) {
    	#header-content {
    	    top: 0;
    	    bottom: unset;
    	.home:not(.header-media-disabled).navigation-classic .site-navigation .primary-menu li > ul, .home:not(.no-featured-slider).navigation-classic .site-navigation .primary-menu li > ul {
    		top: 100%;
    	.navigation-classic .site-navigation .primary-menu ul .menu-item-has-children > a > .icon, .home.navigation-classic #header-wrapper:not(.header-top) .site-navigation .primary-menu ul .menu-item-has-children > a > .icon {
    	    -webkit-transform: rotate(-90deg);
    	    -ms-transform: rotate(-90deg);
    	    transform: rotate(-90deg);
    	.home:not(.header-media-disabled).navigation-classic #header-wrapper:not(.header-top) .site-navigation .menu-item-has-children > a > .icon, .home:not(.header-media-disabled).navigation-classic #header-wrapper:not(.header-top) .site-navigation .page_item_has_children > a > .icon, .home:not(.no-featured-slider).navigation-classic #header-wrapper:not(.header-top) .site-navigation .menu-item-has-children > a > .icon, .home:not(.no-featured-slider).navigation-classic #header-wrapper:not(.header-top) .site-navigation .page_item_has_children > a > .icon {
    	    transform: unset;
    	.home.navigation-classic #header-wrapper:not(.header-top) .site-navigation ul ul ul {
    	    top: 0;
    	    border: unset;
    	.navigation-classic .site-navigation .primary-menu ul li:hover > ul, .navigation-classic .site-navigation .primary-menu ul li.focus > ul {
    	    left: 100%;
    	.navigation-classic .site-navigation .primary-menu li:hover > ul, .navigation-classic .site-navigation .primary-menu li.focus > ul {
    	    right: auto;
    	    left: 0;
    	    animation: smoothScrollBack 0.3s backwards, fadein 0.6s;
    	.navigation-classic .site-navigation .primary-menu ul li:hover > ul, .navigation-classic .site-navigation .primary-menu ul li.focus > ul {
    	    left: 100% !important;
    	.navigation-classic .site-navigation .primary-menu li:hover > ul, .navigation-classic .site-navigation .primary-menu li.focus > ul {
    	    right: auto !important;
    	    left: 0 !important;
    	    animation: smoothScrollBack 0.3s backwards, fadein 0.6s;

    Let me know if this works out!
    Kind Regards,


    @bobgarretthomenetworks-co-uk: Please add the following additional css

    .featured-slider .slides {
    	background-color: #ffffff !important;



    In reply to: Disable Slider Link


    @bobgarretthomenetworks-co-uk: Login to your WordPress admin section
    Go to Appearance => Customize => Additional css and add the following css

    .featured-slider {
    	pointer-events: none;

    Let me know if this helps resolve your issue.



    Hello Skandha,

    I changed the header image to the given ratio (1920×1080) and scaled the „featured sites slider“-images to a „WQHD“ ratio (2560×1440). But the resolution change didn’t fix the problem yet. It still displays the issue.

    The issue also persists not just on the mobile page, but on the desktop page too. After removing the menu via the google chrome console it was visible on desktop too.

    Still kind regards,


    @laura-c: Hello there,
    Have you activated the Featured Slider option?

    Go to => Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Enable the select the pages you want to have as the slider images and Publish. Then you will have the slider like in the demo.

    You shouldn’t have any issues using Elementor with the theme.

    Let me know if you have anymore issues.
    Kind Regards,

    Eren EFEOGLU



    thank you for your interest. But the problem is that when I open the featured slider and featured content sections, I could not see the adding or changing item options, it is totally blank. Actually, a few months ago, there was not any problem at all.


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