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  • #54215

    In reply to: Slider Image Text


    @allene1218: That is called “Featured Page Slider” and you can add your own slider image, text and content. For that first you need to create page and add in Featured image in your page. Then go to “Appearance => Customize => Featured Slider Options => Featured Slider Type” and select “Featured Page Slider” and then you can just select the pages where you have added in featured image. Now, it will display you page title, content and featured image.

    If you want to disable the slider completely then go to “”Appearance => Customize => Featured Slider Options => Featured Slider Settings” and in Enable Slider on, you need to choose “Disabled” and save change.

    But if you just want to hide the text in the slider, then you can add the following css in “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Custom CSS Options” box:
    #feature-slider .entry-container { display: none; }


    @nakulsachdeva: I was confused as you used Catch Everest Pro support forum for Full Frame Free theme. Full Frame Free theme support forum is that

    That disable Toggle option is there in Pro version, you can see the list of additional features at theme instructions for pro version at

    But in free version, you can disable that toggle button and show header fixed only for big screens with resolution above 1100px. For that you can add the following css in “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Custom CSS Options” box:

    @media screen and (min-width: 1101px) {
        .site { padding-top: 178px; }
        #feature-slider, #header-featured-image { margin-top: 0; }
        .site #masthead { display: block; opacity: 1 !important; }
        #header-toggle { display: none; }

    @webtussi: Yes, you can enable slider in all pages. For that, just go to “Appearance => Customize => Featured Slider Options => Featured Slider Settings”, Select “Entire Site” in “Enable Slider on” option and click on “Save & Publish”,

    For Header image, you can control all the settings from “Appearance => Customize => Header Image”. Don’t forgot to check in “Enable Featured Header Image on” option. Sorry there is no option to add text in the header image. You can upload image with the text on it.


    @franktan: I see that you are using Catch Box Free theme, where the recommended featured image size in Width: 644px and Height: 320px. See the theme instructions page at This slider in Feature Post Slider with Content width.

    But if you upgrade to Pro version, you will get option to make the slider full width of your site and also get option to choose from “Featured Image slider, Featured Page slider, Featured Post slider, Featured Category slider. In Full Width slider, the recommended size is Width: 980px and Height: 400px. But if you use Featured Image Slider, height can be any you like. For more see the theme instructions of Catch Box Pro theme at


    @michellebergmann: To make the slider image 100% with, you can make it stretch by adding in the following css:

    .featured-slider .slides img {
        height: auto;
        width: 100%;

    In reply to: duplicate image


    @Claudio: I am telling you is that All Private pages will be visible only to you when you are log in. We will not see it. this is how WordPress Private page/post works. So, we see empty Slider and Featured Content.

    About menu, you can create custom menu from “Appearance => Menus” and then add page, post, category, links as per your need to your custom menu. Then assign your menu to Primary menu location from “Appearance => Menus => Manage Location”. Check this out for custom menus


    @Edward: For slider there is not option like specific pages. The options are to Enable Slider either only on Homepage or on Entire site.

    But yes, you can disable Header Image in particular page/posts. For that you can edit those page/post and below you page/post editor you will see “Full Frame Options” metabox, where you can click on “Header Featured Image Options”, check “Disable” and then update your page/post.


    @Stephanie: You can add the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box to hide the Featured Post Slider title and excerpt text.
    #main-slider .entry-container { display: none; }

    But if you choose Featured Image Slider from “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Slider Options => Select Slider Type” then you can use upload image and link as per your need. If you don’t want title and content then you lave that empty.


    @bigoslesli: Actually if you just want static image then you don’t need to use Featured Slider. You can just disable slider from “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Slider Options => Enable Slider”.

    Then for static header image, you can just add that image from “Appearance => Theme Options => Header Featured Image Options”.

    But if you don’t want to use header image and still want to use featured slider image without the arrow, then you can add the following CSS in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box to hide it.
    #slider-nav { display: none; }


    In reply to: image size


    That link seems to be to download an application. The featured slider should be saved to the site now.


    In reply to: image size


    @Francis: I check in your site but I don’t see you have change to Featured Image Slider. I can still see demo images.

    You don’t need to send me screenshot in email. You can just upload screenshot in your site or any photo-sharing site. For example screenshot like this link


    In reply to: image size


    No. I have uploaded images to the website. You asked me to send you screen shots to show you what was going wrong. Can I email them to you?

    Let me repeat what the problem is: I have purchased Full Frame Pro.
    If I swap from ‘demo’ to ‘Featured Image Slider’ and I have uploaded four images that are of the correct size (1680X720) yet they appears too small and aligned to the left.


    In reply to: image size


    Hi Sakin,

    Thank you for your email.

    I have purchased Full Frame Pro.

    If I swap from ‘demo’ to ‘Featured Image Slider’ and I have uploaded four images that are of the correct size (1680X720) yet they appears too small and aligned to the left.

    I attach screen shots.

    Thank you for your help.

    Kind Regards



    @Jean-Paul: Sorry there is no option to do that. Featured Images are used for Archive/homepage and for slider. As you can just add your featured image in your page/post content editor and it will display it.

    But have you tried in “Header Featured Image Options” from your Theme Options panel. There in “Enable Featured Header Image” you can choose “Pages & Posts”.


    In reply to: image size


    My uploaded images are the same size as in the “demo” featured slider (i.e. 1680 X 720) , however when I swop to my uploaded images they are smaller than the demo images and placed of the left with space to the right.


    @shellfish_tracker: Why don’t you use Featured Image Slider so that you can upload the image, title and link all as per your need. For that just go to “Appearance => Customize => Featured Slider Options => Featured Content Type” and select “Featured Image Content” then upload image, link, title and content all as per your need.

    For more, check out theme instructions page at


    @shellfish_tracker: Yes there are lot and the user mainly likes Catch Base Pro:
    1. Featured Slider Type: Here you change select Featured Image Slider or Featured Page Slider or Featured Post Slider or Featured Category Slider.
    2. Footer Editor Option
    3. Color Options
    4. Additional Sidebars
    5. Featured Content Type: Here you change select Featured Image Content or Featured Page Content or Featured Post Content or Featured Category Content.
    Many more additional featured which is highlighted in Theme Instructions of Catch Base Pro.


    @Leanvdm: In free Catch Base free version, you have option to use only Featured Page Slider which will take featured image, title and text from your page. So, the only way to hide the text in the slider will be to add in the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box:
    #feature-slider .entry-container { display: none; }

    You might also want to check out Catch Base Pro which has option to use Featured Image Slider, which you can just upload the image as per your need. There are other additional features as well, which is listed in theme instructions page at


    @shellfish_tracker: Catch Base Free version only have option to use Featured Page slider and this slider take the page title. So, you need to edit the page title to reflect it in you slider. You can use css to hide the title and content, if you need. But for this please share your site URL.

    You might want to try Catch Base Pro where you will get Featured Image Slider where you can upload image, write title, content and link (all optional). Read more about it from theme instructions page at


    @Naomi: You need to create more pages. So, that you can add in more image as one page will have one featured image. Featured Page Slider will link to page if you want independent image then you need to use Featured Image Slier which is there only in Catch Base Pro theme. See more info about Catch Base Pro at

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