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  • #57010

    @Roberto: It’s same for Catch Everest Pro theme as well. Just build child theme and then add the following code in your child theme functions.php file.

     * Template for Ceceppa Multilingua Invalid Cache
    function catcheverest_ceceppa_invalidcache() {
    	delete_transient( 'catcheverest_post_sliders' );
    	delete_transient( 'catcheverest_page_sliders' );
    	delete_transient( 'catcheverest_category_sliders' );
    	delete_transient( 'catcheverest_image_sliders' );
    	delete_transient( 'catcheverest_homepage_featured_content' );
    	delete_transient( 'catcheverest_homepage_headline' );
    	delete_transient( 'catcheverest_footer_content_new' );
    add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'catcheverest_ceceppa_invalidcache' );

    Hei everybody! I used the Header Image instead of the Slider because I didn’t want the Page’s Featured Image to show of at the top of the pages as they show in the featured content.
    The problem is that even though I uploaded 5 or 6 Header Images and checked the ‘Randomize Uploaded Headers’ button the Header Image does not change. It changes just one time, when I open the Customizing menu, and when i save the changes and close it the header image stays just the same.
    Have a check!
    Please Help!


    @benjo: It would have been easier if you had added your site URL. So, that I can check in and send your the css. For now, I just need to guess and send it to you.

    1. If you just want slider and featured content in your homepage then you can add the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box:
    .home #content-sidebar-wrap { display: none; }

    2. This is high level of customization and for this you need to build child theme. For child theme, check out Then after that you need to copy function catchkathmandu_homepage_featured_content() to your child theme and change the position and all. For this, you might need to hire developer to work on it.

    Note: Sorry for the late reply as we are still in state of emergency due to massive earthquake in Nepal. Internet, electricity, water and sanitation are huge problem here. We are also helping others in the community so we are slowing getting back online.


    @Eric: This is high level of customization. So, either you need to hire developer to work on it or you need to use plugin like these

    Also the 3 pictures below the slider is called Featured Content Area where there is no option to add in light effect. This area is created to link to your page/post/category/custom link.


    Hi, I again.
    When I go with the mouse over die Slider the dialog box comes: Featured Image-1. Can I change this?
    Thanks, Robert


    Hi there, is it possible to disable link to pages from the featured sliders so that they are simply there for design?


    @Michelle: Catch Mustang theme doesn’t have featured image option for single page/post. Theme featured image are only useful for blog and archives and page,post, category sliders.


    In reply to: Remove Permalink To


    @nikhilmangal: there is no option to remove permalink from Featured Page Slider in Catch Responsive Free theme. For that either you need to build child theme and then copy the full function catchresponsive_page_slider() to your child theme functions.php file and edit it or you can upgrade to Pro version and use “Featured Image Slider” instead of “Featured Page Slider” so that you can just upload image without link.

    For more about Catch Responsive Pro additional features, you can read theme instructions at


    @Chris.J.Hoffman: Featured Page slider takes excerpt automatically from your selected page. But if you want to adjust it then you can split the content using more tag <!--more-->


    Hi, in my case I selected the next options:
    Appearence > Theme Options > Featured Slider >
    Inside ‘Slider Options’, I selected ‘Image Slider’ Option.
    And below this, inside ‘Featured Image Slider” you have to upload/select the slider images you want to display in your homepage. Along with every image you have to input the ‘Title’ and the ‘Content’ for each slider.

    Is this the ‘Content’ you are asking about?


    @amyfanton: Wow so many question for free support forum. My head is spinning round and round 🙂

    1. Footer Area one image, you can add the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box:

    #supplementary {
        padding: 20px 0;
    #footer-sidebar {
        padding: 0;
    #supplementary .widget-area {
        float: left;
        text-align: center;
        width: 100%;
    #supplementary #text-2 {
        line-height: 1px;
    #supplementary .widget-area img {
        box-shadow: none;

    2. Footer Text and Link Color, you can change the color code in the following css and add it in Custom CSS box:

    #site-generator {
        color: #999;
    #site-generator a {
        color: #ddd;

    3. Footer text space above and below, you can edit the padding in the following css as per your need and add it in Custom CSS box:

    #site-generator .site-info {
        padding: 40px 0;

    4. To remove dark background in menu active item, you can add the following css in Custom CSS box:

    #header-menu .menu .current_page_item > a, 
    #header-menu .menu .current_page_ancestor > a {
        background-color: #bfcdcc;

    5. Yes, add 7 small images with link, just add like the following in your current text widget:
    <a href="your-link1" target="_blank"><img src="image-url1" alt="image-alternative-text1" /></a><a href="your-link2" target="_blank"><img src="image-url2" alt="image-alternative-text2" /></a><a href="your-link3" target="_blank"><img src="image-url3" alt="image-alternative-text3" /></a><a href="your-link4" target="_blank"><img src="image-url4" alt="image-alternative-text4" /></a><a href="your-link5" target="_blank"><img src="image-url5" alt="image-alternative-text5" /></a><a href="your-link6" target="_blank"><img src="image-url6" alt="image-alternative-text6" /></a><a href="your-link7" target="_blank"><img src="image-url7" alt="image-alternative-text7" /></a>

    Then add the following css in “Custom CSS” box:

    #supplementary #text-2 a {
        display: inline-block;
        float: left;
        width: 14.28%

    6. To center the text below featured content. Just add the following css in Custom CSS box:

    #featured-post .hentry {
        text-align: center;

    7. To center the logo, just add the following css in Custom CSS box.

    #site-logo {
        width: 100%;
        text-aligh: center;
    #hgroup-wrap img  {
        display: block;
        margin: 0 auto;

    8. To trim the space between slider and featured content, you can adjust the padding in the following css and then add in Custom CSS box:

    .home #main {
        padding-top: 20px;

    Note: In Featured Content, I see that you have added in Large image with width of 1024px. Which is very big for that area and will be heavy for site load. I suggest you to change that and upload image of maximum width 400px.


    please help

    where does the featured page image slider get its excerpt content???


    Hi Sakin–really sorry to be a pain, am just trying to work all of the issues out of the site and am hoping you can get back to me soon? I have figured out many answers to the queries above. my website is and the only remaining questions I have are:

    1. How can I remove the darkened box that remains on “home”? I am ok with the boxes going dark as you hover over them with your mouse, but I would like the menu bar to be all one color when someone isn’t hovering over it.

    2. I can’t seem to figure out how to change the color of the text in the footer (where it has copyright, my email and phone) can you please help me with this

    3. I need to remove the “title” area above the banner in footer area on (above where all of the badges that say featured on are located)

    4. I would like to trim the border slightly between the featured content and the featured slider is this possible

    5. Do you have any advice about adding individual images (with links) so that they appear horizontally in the same footer area one (as opposed to a static jpg banner that I uploaded in its place.)

    Thank you and hope to hear from you soon.


    Great, it worked. Now is there a way to show this page before the actual Frontpage? I cannot define the intro page the “frontpage” because i want to use the slider and featured content on the actual “frontpage” just like it is now.

    Just wanna say: YOU GUYS RULE!! 🙂


    @cblossants: There is problem with your child theme style.css. There is missing opening /* and closing */ before your child theme declaration. It should be as below:

    Theme Name: Catch Responsive Child Theme
    Theme URI:
    Author: Catch Themes Team
    Author URI:
    Description: Catch Responsive is an extremely flexible and customizable WordPress theme suitable for almost any kind of professional website. It is based on responsive design where each element has been carefully configured for perfect display on all devices and platforms. It is built in HTML5, CSS3 and WordPress Theme Customizer for real time customization. It comes with a wide variety of options so you can modify layout, styling, featured content, promotion headline, featured slider, pagination, icons, menus, breadcrumb, widgets and much more, directly from theme customizer. This theme is translation ready and also currently translated in Swedish. Check out Theme Instructions at, Support at and Demo at
    Version: 1.0
    License: GNU General Public License, version 3 (GPLv3)
    License URI:
    Tags: black, gray, silver, white, dark, light, one-column, two-columns, left-sidebar, right-sidebar, fixed-layout, fluid-layout, responsive-layout, custom-background, custom-colors, custom-header, custom-menu, editor-style, featured-image-header, featured-images, flexible-header, front-page-post-form, post-formats, sticky-post, theme-options, threaded-comments, translation-ready
    Text Domain: catchresponsive
    Template: catch-responsive

    In reply to: Home Page Load Problem


    @Denys: Thanks for your access and cooperation. I check in your site and found that you have large image as background image and also 8 slider image which was making your site heavy and the slider code checks height after the slider is fully loaded. So, it take time to clear the height. So, I need to set data-cycle-loader="true" which will start slider after 2 images is loaded in slider. Then I see that you were using child theme. So, I simply added in the following code in your child theme functions.php file.

     * Add slider.
     * @uses action hook catchbase_before_content.
     * @since Catch Base 1.0
    function catchbase_featured_slider() {
    	global $post, $wp_query;
    	// get data value from options
    	$options 		= catchbase_get_theme_options();
    	$enableslider 	= $options['featured_slider_option'];
    	$sliderselect 	= $options['featured_slider_type'];
    	// Get Page ID outside Loop
    	$page_id = $wp_query->get_queried_object_id();
    	// Front page displays in Reading Settings
    	$page_on_front = get_option('page_on_front') ;
    	$page_for_posts = get_option('page_for_posts'); 
    	if ( $enableslider == 'entire-site' || ( ( is_front_page() || ( is_home() && $page_for_posts != $page_id ) ) && $enableslider == 'homepage' ) ) {
    		if( ( !$catchbase_featured_slider = get_transient( 'catchbase_featured_slider' ) ) ) {
    			echo '<!-- refreshing cache -->';
    			$catchbase_featured_slider = '
    				<section id="feature-slider">
    					<div class="wrapper">
    						<div class="cycle-slideshow" 
    						    data-cycle-fx="'. $options['featured_slide_transition_effect'] .'"
    							data-cycle-speed="'. $options['featured_slide_transition_length'] * 1000 .'"
    							data-cycle-timeout="'. $options['featured_slide_transition_delay'] * 1000 .'"
    							data-cycle-slides="> article"
    						    <!-- prev/next links -->
    						    <div class="cycle-prev"></div>
    						    <div class="cycle-next"></div>
    						    <!-- empty element for pager links -->
    	    					<div class="cycle-pager"></div>';
    							// Select Slider
    							if ( $sliderselect == 'demo-featured-slider' && function_exists( 'catchbase_demo_slider' ) ) {
    								$catchbase_featured_slider .=  catchbase_demo_slider( $options );
    							else if ( $sliderselect == 'featured-post-slider' && function_exists( 'catchbase_post_slider' ) ) {
    								$catchbase_featured_slider .=  catchbase_post_slider( $options );
    							elseif ( $sliderselect == 'featured-page-slider' && function_exists( 'catchbase_page_slider' ) ) {
    								$catchbase_featured_slider .=  catchbase_page_slider( $options );
    							elseif ( $sliderselect == 'featured-category-slider' && function_exists( 'catchbase_category_slider' ) ) {
    								$catchbase_featured_slider .=  catchbase_category_slider( $options );
    							elseif ( $sliderselect == 'featured-image-slider' && function_exists( 'catchbase_image_slider' ) ) {
    								$catchbase_featured_slider .=  catchbase_image_slider( $options );
    			$catchbase_featured_slider .= '
    						</div><!-- .cycle-slideshow -->
    					</div><!-- .wrapper -->
    				</section><!-- #feature-slider -->';
    			set_transient( 'catchbase_featured_slider', $catchbase_featured_slider, 86940 );
    		echo $catchbase_featured_slider;

    Note: for child theme and sample child theme you can refer to


    @Sebastian: For that you need to build child theme and then add the following code in your child theme functions.php file. For child theme check out

     * Remove Slider cahce in qTranslate-X plugin 
    if ( defined( 'QTX_VERSION' ) ) {
    	delete_transient( 'fullframe_featured_slider' );

    @Carolina: You can hide that by adding in the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box:
    #slider-wrap .featured-text { display: none; }


    Hello, I’m using ‘Post Slider’ option. The homepage shows the sliders (from the featured image) and the excerpt content but not the title (the name of the post I suppose).
    I don’t know if its important or not but just in case… the website is translated to two languages, I’m using mqTranslate plugin.



    @innova: In Catch Kathmandu Pro theme there are 4 different slider type, that is Page Slider, Post Slider, Category Slider and Image Slider. So, which slider you are working on. If you use post slider then it will take the featured image, title and excerpt content of that post. See this If you use the image slider, then you can add in image, title and content as per your need. See this So, which ever you choose, it will be like demo slider.

    For more check out theme instructions page at

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