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  • #79290

    @Stuli: If you just want image slider without link then you need to select slider type as “Featured Image Slider” where you have option to upload image, title, content and link all option. But Image Slider type is only there in pro version. For more about pro version additional features, you can refer to theme instructions page at


    @Stuli: In Adventurous Free theme, you can change that demo image slider with “Featured Post Slider” or “Featured Category Slider”. You can follow instructions at Also you can check screencast at


    1. You can add following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box to align header image with site title and tagline.

    #hgroup { float: left; margin-left: 20px; }
    @media screen and (max-width: 640px) {
        #site-logo, #hgroup { display: block; float: none; }
        #hgroup { margin-left: 0; }

    2. To add Slider, you need to go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Slider Options”. Then select Slider Type, Slider Layout and Enable Sidebar and setup accordingly. For more, refer to theme instructions page at


    Hi Sakin, ok it works, thanks a lot. In fact i let the demo slider instead of Featured Image Slider 🙂

    Have a nice day


    1. To disable slider: you need to go to “Appearance => Customize => Featured Slider => Slier Options” and in “Enable Slider”, you need to select “Disable”. Then click on “Save & Publish”

    2. To disable featured header: you need to go to “Appearance => Customize => Header Image” and in “Enable Featured Header Image”, you need to select “Disable”. Then click on “Save & Publish”

    Please post in your Site URL is this is not working.


    @Roy: In Full Frame Pro theme you can Slider Type as “Featured Image Slider, Featured Page Slider, Featured Post Slider and Featured Category Slider”, which you can choose from “Appearance => Customize => Featured Slider => Select Slider Type”.

    After you select the slider type, you need to setup accordingly. If you select “Featured Image Slider”, then you can upload image, add in title, content and links as per your need and click on “Save & Publish” but if you choose other then you need to create page/post with featured image first.

    For more, refer to theme instructions at


    I’ve done that: enabled Featured Page Slider, selected 5 pages, added a feature image to all 5 pages. The slider works. BUT — it appears below the header space. I removed the static header image and disabled ‘enable feature header image on’ and the giant header space is still there. How do I get the slider to appear in that space?

    Also, my feature image is not showing up on individual pages. ??


    @monicavilas: Which plugin are you using it and if that is working in customizer then it should work in live as well. Or you can just build child theme, for child theme refer to You can also download sample Catch Base child theme from there and then add the following code in your child theme functions.php file

    function catchbase_child_invalidcache() {
    	delete_transient( 'catchbase_featured_slider' );
    add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'catchbase_child_invalidcache' );

    1. Sorry, that is how the WordPress Excerpt text works. If you want HTML code with formatting then try “Image Content” in Featured Content Type. Otherwise, you need to build child theme. For child theme refer to and then copy function catchkathmandu_featured_content_page() to your child theme functions.php file and edit it.

    2. What do you want to change that next and previous arrow in the slider to. If you want to just change it from css. Then you can use the following css element and add your custom css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box:

    #slider-nav a.slide-previous { }
    #slider-nav a.slide-next { }

    But if you want to change manually to text, then you need to build child theme and then copy function catchkathmandu_image_sliders() to your child theme functions.php file and edit it.


    In reply to: Image Slider


    1. Catch Flames free theme have option only to use slider type as “Featured Page Slider” from “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Slider Options
    . So for this slider, you need to create page and then add featured image in your page. After that you need to assign that page in slider from “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Featured Page Slider Options”. This will take featured image and text from the page selected and will link to respective page.

    But if you want independent image slider where you can upload image and link to anywhere you like it then you need to select slider type as “Featured Image Slider”. For this, you need to upgrade to Pro version.

    2. To edit/remove the footer copyright information, you need to upgrade to pro version and edit it from “Appearance => Theme Options => Footer Editor Options”. In free version, you need to do it manually by building child theme and editing the code.


    In reply to: Image Slider


    Hello, I have Two Questions…
    1. Can I add a URL to the featured slider images so when its clicked it goes to my ‘product’ page?

    2. How do I remove the ‘Theme: Catch Flames by Catch Themes’ that is at the bottom of the homepage just to the right of the ‘copyright…’?

    I appreciate you


    In reply to: Slider Images


    @Cathy: It depends on the Slider Type you choose. The recommended side as per our design is Width: 978px and Height: 375px which has been mentioned in our theme instructions page at But if you select slider type as “Featured Image Slider”, then you can upload image with the size you need.


    @tomoyoma: I see that you have no featured slider but slider is still on. So, if you don’t need slider then go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Post Slider” and heck in. Otherwise, you can add the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box:
    #slider { display: none; }


    I’m setting up a film blog and posted several stories on the site and included featured images and added them to the slider. There was no issues i scaled the images to appropriate size and it looked great. Suddenly one day some of the pictures seemed to change back to there original format on their own whilst others still were cropped correctly. I’ve tried cropped them again but it hasn’t made a difference. my site is Some of the images i’ve added have a white blocks on the side as if they don’t fit in the slider


    @09Shan: Not sure what you mean. Can you explain in reference with your site URL? In Simple Catch Free theme there is Featured Post Slider, which take featured image of the post in the custom size called slider with size 976px width and 313px height.


    In reply to: Cambiar slider image


    @Nadae: For Catch Kathmandu Free theme slider, you need to go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider”, then you need to select “Post Slider or Category Slider” from slider type and then add in post ID. For more, please follow theme instructions at and screencast at


    I understand why you can’t find it.
    I also counld’t find it at first time.
    I thought featured slider was not working.
    my slider is just between menu and the paragraph starting with 세계한민족여성재단(KOWINNER)은.
    if you put your cursor there, you can see the phrase, “2015 코윈대회 환영만찬 주최”
    I can see just 1cm of featured image I set up.
    Can you check it again, please?


    @michel78: In pro version, you only have option to select featured slider type. But there is no option to add in different slider in every page.

    For more information about additional features in pro version, check out theme instructions page at


    @Sensei: Only Studio Pro theme support Featured Post Slider. You can see list of additional features in pro version at

    You should see featured image excerpt. Can you post in your site URL and then I can check in.


    @NANKYUNG: I don’t get it what you mean. You site doesn’t have slider. You can check your slider settings at “Appearance => Customize => Featured Slider” and check “Image Loader” option.

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