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  • #2509

    @klrouth: For Simple Catch Pro theme, if you are using featured slider then the minimum width is 978px. So, you need to upload the image of that size or larger.

    Please add in your site URL whenever you ask for support question. It will be easy for us to take a look at the issue.


    In reply to: Featured Slider


    Assuming you are not trying to upload multiple files at this point – this error occurred with the one file you tried to upload?? right?

    I think you may have a permission problem on your upload directory on your server. At least I’d start there.


    Here is a good link on file and directory permissions.





    In reply to: Featured Slider


    I have re-sized the image to the same size as the Featured Slider.

    When I went into my Page and clicked on “Featured Image”  I added my image which is saved on my desktop but when I hit update this is the message I receive:

    You are using the multi-file uploader. Problems? Try the browser uploader instead.

    Maximum upload file size: 8MB. After a file has been uploaded, you can add titles and descriptions.

    Dismiss“image1.jpg” has failed to upload due to an error
    The uploaded file could not be moved to /var/www/vhosts/


    In reply to: Featured Slider


    @Anusha: You need to add Featured Image in the Post. See this

    If you want to add manual image url then you need to upgrade to Simple Catch Pro where you have option to choose between Featured Post Slider and Featured Image Slider. If you choose Featured Image Slider, then you can just add the URL, Title, Description and link as necessary.


    @klrouth: You can simply add the Following CSS in “Theme Options -> Theme Options -> Custom CSS” box:

    .featured-slider {
    margin-top: 15px;


    In reply to: Featured Slider


    @Anusha – are you re-sizing your images before uploading them on your dashboard?


    In reply to: Featured Slider


    I haven’t been able to upload pics to my wordpress server through the browser, I’ve just gone into the file structure in filezilla and created and added my images there and then referenced the image path in WordPress.


    I am on a PC. Is there anyway I can add the images I want on my image slider through my DB? I have access to it.


    In reply to: Featured Slider


    Hi Anusha:

    Back to some basics – You should be re-sizing your images so they are smaller than 2meg. Most servers that host WordPress have 2 meg as a default setting as the largest size image you can upload. In fact try and re-size  by pixel size – something like 800 wide x 450 high would be a good starting point.

    You should be using jpg, tif, png or gif for the majority of your image file upload file types.

    What kind of computer are you using (PC or Apple)? Have you ever been able to upload an image to you WordPress site?

    If not on your WordPress server, where are the images? URLs? Some place like Flickr or Piccsa?? (pretty sure this is why you’re having problems with the slider)





    In reply to: Featured Slider


    I’ve added images to my posts and added in the post id’s into the featured image section within the theme setting>featured slider.


    The images I am using in m my post are URL based because for some reason I am not able to use the image that is saved on my desktop. I get an .htacess error whenever I try to upload any image anywhere. Not sure why. Any ideas?


    In reply to: Featured Slider


    I took a look a little deeper and I am going to suggest the following:

    – make sure you’re site is set up so the home page is your “Post” page (not a static page)

    – make sure you post images to your posts

    – make sure you make note of the post ID’s where you posted your images

    – make sure you go to the theme setting > featured slider > add slider options and put in the post id in the appropriate fields

    – click on the save button

    Note: to find post id’s, go into edit mode of your specific post, look up in the url address and you will see the “post id number” in the url address. Use the number in the add slider option window.


    In reply to: Featured Slider


    Hi Anusha:

    I can see the slider in action on your page, but no images are associated with it, which makes me think you haven’t set the “featured” image tag for the pictures you’re using. I know you’ve check, but could you please go into your wordpress media menu and makes sure to select the image you want, then go down the image page until you find the “set as featured image” selection box. Don’t forget to save your selections.



    In reply to: Featured Slider


    Also I’m using Simple Catch as my theme not Catch Box


    In reply to: Featured Slider


    Did both and I’m doing everything it says to do  but still my images won’t show up. I’m not sure why.




    In reply to: Featured Slider


    Hi Anusha:

    Check out the instruction page here:

    Also check out the link in the instructions for details on Feature Images and the slider. Pretty sure you’ll find your answer there.



    @jean-rene: if you are using Simple Catch Pro then just choose the “Featured Image” and then just add in the images. Don’t add any title and description. This will make it show only the images you have.


    @Piirus: that’s great that you have purchased the Simple Catch Pro theme. But for those who want to know I would like to highlight the features:

    1. Simple Catch Theme is build in HTML4 and CSS2 with static layout whereas Simple Catch Pro Theme is build in HTML5, CSS3 and Responsive layout.

    2. Featured Slider: Simple Catch only have Featured Post Slider where to use the slider you need to assign post ID. But in Simple Catch Pro there is option between Featured Post and Featured Image Slider. If you choose featured image slider you can assign image, tittle, description and links manually.

    3. Simple Catch Theme has 3 default layouts whereas Simple Catch Pro Theme has 5 default layouts.

    4. Simple Catch Pro has custom footer editor where you can edit the footer text.

    5. Simple Catch Pro has adspace widget for adding advertisement in the sidebar.


    @rumyan: if you want to make changes to the theme then I recommend you to build child theme and then add in the changes there in child theme. If you make changes directly in the theme core files then it will be reverted back after you make the updates.

    You need to replace the below code
    * This function to display featured posts on homepage header
    * @get the data value from theme options
    * @displays on the homepage header
    * @useage Featured Image, Title and Content of Post
    * @uses set_transient and delete_transient
    function simplecatch_sliders() {
    global $post;
    //delete_transient( ‘simplecatch_sliders’ );

    global $simplecatch_options_settings;
    $options = $simplecatch_options_settings;

    $postperpage = $options[ ‘slider_qty’ ];

    if( ( !$simplecatch_sliders = get_transient( ‘simplecatch_sliders’ ) ) && !empty( $options[ ‘featured_slider’ ] ) ) {
    echo ‘<!– refreshing cache –>’;

    $simplecatch_sliders = ‘
    <div class="featured-slider">’;
    $get_featured_posts = new WP_Query( array(
    ‘posts_per_page’ => $postperpage,
    ‘post__in’ => $options[ ‘featured_slider’ ],
    ‘orderby’ => ‘post__in’,
    ‘ignore_sticky_posts’ => 1 // ignore sticky posts
    $i=0; while ( $get_featured_posts->have_posts()) : $get_featured_posts->the_post(); $i++;
    $title_attribute = apply_filters( ‘the_title’, get_the_title( $post->ID ) );
    $excerpt = get_the_excerpt();
    if ( $i == 1 ) { $classes = "slides displayblock"; } else { $classes = "slides displaynone"; }
    $simplecatch_sliders .= ‘
    <div class="’.$classes.’">
    <div class="featured">
    <div class="slide-image">’;
    if( has_post_thumbnail() ) {

    $simplecatch_sliders .= ‘<a href="’ . get_permalink() . ‘" title="Permalink to ‘.the_title(”,”,false).’" rel="nofollow">’;

    if( $options[ ‘remove_noise_effect’ ] == "0" ) {
    $simplecatch_sliders .= ‘<span class="img-effect pngfix"></span>’;

    $simplecatch_sliders .= get_the_post_thumbnail( $post->ID, ‘slider’, array( ‘title’ => esc_attr( $title_attribute ), ‘alt’ => esc_attr( $title_attribute ), ‘class’ => ‘pngfix’ ) ).'</a>’;
    else {
    $simplecatch_sliders .= ‘<span class="img-effect pngfix"></span>’;
    $simplecatch_sliders .= ‘
    </div> <!– .slide-image –>
    </div> <!– .featured –>
    <div class="featured-text">’;
    if( $excerpt !=”) {
    $simplecatch_sliders .= the_title( ‘<span>’,'</span>’, false ).’: ‘.$excerpt;
    $simplecatch_sliders .= ‘
    </div><!– .featured-text –>
    </div> <!– .slides –>’;
    endwhile; wp_reset_query();
    $simplecatch_sliders .= ‘
    </div> <!– .featured-slider –>
    <div id="controllers">
    </div><!– #controllers –>’;

    set_transient( ‘simplecatch_sliders’, $simplecatch_sliders, 86940 );
    echo $simplecatch_sliders;
    } // simplecatch_sliders

    * This function to display featured posts on homepage header
    * @get the data value from theme options
    * @displays on the homepage header
    * @useage Featured Image, Title and Content of Post
    * @uses set_transient and delete_transient
    function simplecatch_sliders() {
    global $post;
    //delete_transient( ‘simplecatch_sliders’ );

    global $simplecatch_options_settings;
    $options = $simplecatch_options_settings;

    $postperpage = $options[ ‘slider_qty’ ];

    if( ( !$simplecatch_sliders = get_transient( ‘simplecatch_sliders’ ) ) && !empty( $options[ ‘featured_slider’ ] ) ) {
    echo ‘<!– refreshing cache –>’;

    $simplecatch_sliders = ‘
    <div class="featured-slider">’;
    $get_featured_posts = new WP_Query( array(
    ‘posts_per_page’ => $postperpage,
    ‘post__in’ => $options[ ‘featured_slider’ ],
    ‘orderby’ => ‘post__in’,
    ‘ignore_sticky_posts’ => 1 // ignore sticky posts
    $i=0; while ( $get_featured_posts->have_posts()) : $get_featured_posts->the_post(); $i++;
    $title_attribute = apply_filters( ‘the_title’, get_the_title( $post->ID ) );
    $excerpt = get_the_excerpt();
    if ( $i == 1 ) { $classes = "slides displayblock"; } else { $classes = "slides displaynone"; }
    $simplecatch_sliders .= ‘
    <div class="’.$classes.’">
    <div class="featured">
    <div class="slide-image">’;
    if( has_post_thumbnail() ) {

    if( $options[ ‘remove_noise_effect’ ] == "0" ) {
    $simplecatch_sliders .= ‘<span class="img-effect pngfix"></span>’;

    $simplecatch_sliders .= get_the_post_thumbnail( $post->ID, ‘slider’, array( ‘title’ => esc_attr( $title_attribute ), ‘alt’ => esc_attr( $title_attribute ), ‘class’ => ‘pngfix’ ) );
    else {
    $simplecatch_sliders .= ‘<span class="img-effect pngfix"></span>’;
    $simplecatch_sliders .= ‘
    </div> <!– .slide-image –>
    </div> <!– .featured –>
    <div class="featured-text">’;
    if( $excerpt !=”) {
    $simplecatch_sliders .= the_title( ‘<span>’,'</span>’, false ).’: ‘.$excerpt;
    $simplecatch_sliders .= ‘
    </div><!– .featured-text –>
    </div> <!– .slides –>’;
    endwhile; wp_reset_query();
    $simplecatch_sliders .= ‘
    </div> <!– .featured-slider –>
    <div id="controllers">
    </div><!– #controllers –>’;

    set_transient( ‘simplecatch_sliders’, $simplecatch_sliders, 86940 );
    echo $simplecatch_sliders;
    } // simplecatch_sliders

    Then you need to clear the cache by making changes on any theme setting in your slider.

    But if you want to use simple image slider with your own link, title and description. Everything is optional then you can upgrade to Simple Catch Pro theme.



    is a test site because I am changing some theme design.

    now appears only featured slider will not slide.

    I removed the “#”.

    in the home, if you’ll notice, I modified to display 6 news in summary, but when I click on a post, so changes and I would like the full-page news, as you have created this issue, but in the home appear to sum.




    problems with “featured slider” to catch box wordpress theme

    not in the home. When I enter the ID of the post and give it to save, delete them automatically.


    @regalaffair: you can use the same. We will add this fix in new version update. thanks for reporting bug.

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