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  • #5464

    I know how to add captions to “normal” pictures, but I’ve got problems with the picture above the headline (don’t know the English word for it, in German WordPress it’s the “Beitragsbild”; maybe “post picture” or something similar in English). There is no caption shown. As the website isn’t finished and online yet I’ve made a screenshot to illustrate what I’m talking about: The upper image in here And as you see here (, it should have caption and that stuff.


    @Julien: sorry I don’t know classic slideshow. This theme only have Featured Post Slider. But the good news is we are schedule to release Catch Everest Pro version by the end of March where you can do this. This theme will have option to choose from 1. Featured Post Slider, 2. Featured Page Slider, 3. Featured Category Slider, and 4. Featured Image Slider.


    @lucia: No you cannot do that in Catch Everest Free Theme. This theme only have Featured Post Slider. But the good news is we are schedule to release Catch Everest Pro version by the end of March where you can do this. This theme will have option to choose from 1. Featured Post Slider, 2. Featured Page Slider, 3. Featured Category Slider, and 4. Featured Image Slider.


    @neh: What have you changed in your Child theme?


    Hi Sakin,

    Issue is happening again now… the slider images are not there.

    I see everything except for the slider featured images. Even the slider arrows are there they are just on the menu.

    I again tried to refresh, clear the cache and even tried over my cellular network on my cell phone. Featured images are gone.

    Thanks for checking into this strange, dissemblance then reappearance of the featured images on the slider.

    Kind regards,


    Hi Sakin,

    It seems to come and go. Some times I go to the site and it works and other times it is not working. They just disappear and all I see are the slider arrows.

    Now the images are back. It is strange. When they disappear I try the site from other computers and even my smart phone (different network) and they are gone. Then I try back in 15 minutes and the images are there again.

    I will try to let you know the next time they disappear.



    Hi Sakin,

    I have the same issue, some times I go to my website and the featured slider has disappeared.

    Address is,

    Thanks for your help,



    @@Dane: But I don’t understand why you are changing those function. Don’t edit any core theme file. To add Featured Post Slider see this support thread


    Sakin, Hi…

    Clearing cache as you described didn’t work.
    Its very strange and seems like its hard coded somewhere.
    i have pasted the code below from catcheverest-functions.php

    As I mentioned, I am new to this so I cant  change any coding.. just the text on front end where it appears in the files. I have not touched other files either.

    I’m now trying to learn how child themes work…  if that will be solve my problem.
    thanks for your help anyway.


    * Shows Default Slider Demo if there is not iteam in Featured Post Slider
    function catcheverest_default_sliders() {
    //delete_transient( ‘catcheverest_default_sliders’ );

    if ( !$catcheverest_default_sliders = get_transient( ‘catcheverest_default_sliders’ ) ) {
    echo ‘<!– refreshing cache –>’;
    $catcheverest_default_sliders = ‘
    <div id=”main-slider” class=”container”>
    <section class=”featured-slider”>
    <article class=”post hentry slides displayblock”>
    <figure class=”slider-image”>
    <a title=”Mount Everest” href=”#”>
    <img src=”‘. get_template_directory_uri() . ‘/images/slider1.jpg” class=”wp-post-image” alt=”Mount Everest” title=”Mount Everest”>
    <div class=”entry-container”>
    <header class=”entry-header”>
    <h1 class=”entry-title”>
    <a title=”Mount Everest” href=”#”>Mount Everest mountain</a>
    <div class=”entry-content”>
    <p>Mount Everest is the Earth\’s highest mountain, with a peak at 8,848 metres above sea level and the 5th tallest mountain measured from the centre of the Earth. It is located in the Nepal.</p>
    </article><!– .slides –>

    <article class=”post hentry slides displaynone”>
    <figure class=”slider-image”>
    <a title=”Text For Image Slider” href=”#”>
    <img src=”‘. get_template_directory_uri() . ‘/images/slider2.jpg” class=”wp-post-image” alt=”For Image Slider” title=”Text For Image Slider”>
    <div class=”entry-container”>
    <header class=”entry-header”>
    <h1 class=”entry-title”>
    <a title=”Text For Image Slider” href=”#”>Text For Image Slider</a>
    <div class=”entry-content”>
    <p>This is a sample text to display on image slider. This is a sample text to display on image slider. This is a sample text to display on image slider. This is a sample text to display on image slider.</p>
    </article><!– .slides –>
    <div id=”slider-nav”>
    <a class=”slide-previous”>&lt;</a>
    <a class=”slide-next”>&gt;</a>
    <div id=”controllers”></div>
    </div><!– #main-slider –>’;

    set_transient( ‘catcheverest_default_sliders’, $catcheverest_default_sliders, 86940 );
    echo $catcheverest_default_sliders;
    } // catcheverest_default_sliders



    In reply to: Static Page


    @corawade: You can add in the slider when you have ready. Just add the Post IDs in your Featured Post Slider Options and it will take the featured image, title and excerpt from those posts.

    There is not option to make the Blog page and add all the post there. You can create the category name “Blog” and assign all posts to that category and add that category in menu through Appearance => Menu.

    This is simple theme and for more advance options, you might need to wait for the Catch Everest Pro version.


    Thanks You Sakin


    @ibrokers: those widgets are Featured Post Widgets and Featured Page widgets. Just add in Featured Post Widget if you want your post to be highlighted there or user Featured Page Widgets if you want your page to be highlighted there.

    It take the Featured Image added in the respective Post or page that you have added. If you don’t know about how to add featured post then see this:


    @JanneS: In you post edit there will be “Excerpt” box. Just add the text in there. If you want to control the exact line.


    Perfect example of I should have read the text under the images, instead of jumping in with 2 feet, sorry – moderator ok to remove this post


    Nevermind! They seem to be working now. Not a clue what the problem was.

    On a side note: When you scroll over the social icons, it pops up and says “-Blog Name- in Twitter” or “-Blog Name- in Facebook”. It should say “on Facebook”, not “in Facebook”.

    Is there any way I can change this? If not, maybe you could consider changing it in your next update. =)

    Also, I forgot to say thank you very much for making this theme. I really LOVE the way it looks, so clean. I’ve looked for others with the ‘Featured Slider’ feature and they just don’t look anywhere near as clean as yours! =)


    Figured out that Homepage Top Sidebar is the location, remove the Recent Posts, Recent Comments Archives and Meta and  insert Text widget4 times.

    I am puzzled about how to put in the images above these items.


    Sakin – I am having the same issue. I have my homepage set as a static page and I’m using the featured post slider. However, the featured post slider is displaying on both my posts page and my static homepage. How do I remove it from my post page?


    @@richardcharlesandrews1: There is no breadcrumbs. You are using wrong terminology. When I check in your site. Your site structure is as below:
    1. Logo
    2. Primary Menu
    3. Featured Post Slider
    4. Left Sidebar you have various widgets
    5. Right Content – In Right content, you have page title, page image and page content.
    6. Footer

    Where is the breadcrumbs???


    @mogulbill: Yes to change the link color in Featured Post Slider box, just add the following css in your “Custom CSS” box in Theme Options panel.
    #slider-wrap a.more-link { color: #fff; }


    In reply to: Removing Permalinks


    @heeralc: You are using featured post slider which means it will redirect to respective post. But if you don’t want that to redirect to respective post then you can use redirection plugin and adjust the link as per your need. To remove the link it’s not there in Catch Everest Free theme.

    I don’t understand your other 2 questions. Also can you post your site URL and explain bit more and then I will be able to help you.

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