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  • #8187

    In reply to: Feature Slider image


    @kalalilys: Then remove the Featured Image from the post.


    In reply to: Footer and White Space

    I was trying to do the exact same things but it didn’t work. I was able to reduce the space between the footer widgets and the featured post slider, but not much. I am not using the headline or featured content option so would like to reduce that space between the slider and the footer widgets.

    Also, when I used the code to try to hide the footer widget from all pages but the homepage, it ended up being hidden from all pages but the blog page. Thank you!


    In reply to: Hover options


    @Potzas: I think you are talking about the menu active color. You can change he active background color and text color by changing the color code and add the following CSS in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.
    #header-menu .menu .current-menu-item > a, #header-menu .menu .current-menu-ancestor > a, #header-menu .menu .current_page_item > a, #header-menu .menu .current_page_ancestor > a, #colophon .menu .current-menu-item a { background-color: #000; color: #fff; }

    To have Featured Image without any link then user Featured Image Slider. Which you can do it from “Appearenance => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Slider Options”. Then select “Image Slider” and add the image you want without a link.


    @specialkyo: If you are using Catch Everest Pro theme then you can use Featured Image Slier which you can select from “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider”. Then Select slider type.

    In Featured Image Slider, you can just upload the image and no need to add any links.

    See theme instruction for more details


    In reply to: Hover options


    At the moment I don’t have a static page set to ‘home’. It’s not giving me the option in the dropdown. I can create a ‘home’ page and set it to static, but then I lose the featured content slider headings?


    In reply to: Feature Slider image


    @kalalilys: If you are using Catch Everest Free theme then you have only option to add Featured Post Slider but if you Upgrade to Pro version then you have option to use Featured Post Slider or Featured Page Slider or Featured Category Slider or Featured Image Slider.

    Here goes the instruction to add the Featured Post Slider
    1. First create the Post and don’t forget to add in the Featured Image in the post as this image is used in the slider. To add featured image see this

    2. Then get the ID of the post. When you edit your post or write a post. you will see the id in your browser address bar. You will also be able to get the post ID from All Post in your WordPress Dashboard. But still if you cannot find it then you can use this plugin to view it

    3. Then go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Post Slider”. Add in the post id. Make sure you only add in the ID number.


    @jsvoboda: can you send me your site URL so that I can check in and send you the css code.


    How do you edit the text of the feature image slider?

    I am not using the post function but just images. All the text is alligned to the left and I was wondering how I can choose where the text goes for each separate image on the slider?



    Ok. I assume custom code and created a child theme. Any tips?

    Also in the default home page I have the excerpt layout selected. And any image I have from a post appears full size, as big as any image in the featured slider above it. Is it possible to use custom styles to reduce the size of an image appearing in a post excerpt on the home page? I have seen a references to wp-post-image but I’m not sure if it’s the correct one or on how to apply it



    I managed to hide the text excerpt appearing in the featured slider by enabling the Excerpt field in the post view and inserting an empty space.

    Is there a way to get the subheading to appear without needing to build a custom theme?



    I have just enabled the featured slider option. Is there an optimal image size for the slider in Catch Box free?

    Also I’m using the Subheading plugin from
    Insert the following in content.php & content-single.php
    <?php if (function_exists(‘the_subheading’)) { the_subheading(‘<h4 class=”subtitle_head”>’, ‘</h4>’); } ?>

    I’d like to use the subheading in the slider as well. So the Title value, Subheading value and then “Continue Reading”  is this possible?


    deleting, sorry added a reply to the wrong post


    @Bethann: You are using old version of Catch Everest Pro where there was bug in Featured Image Slider. Please udpdate to latest version 1.1.1 and change any value in Theme Options to clear the cache and your featured slider will work fine.

    To remove the white space between logo image and menu, just add the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS”
    #site-logo { padding-top: 20px; }
    #hgroup-wrap { padding-bottom: 20px; }


    @cre8ve1: Sorry navigation cannot be moved up. You can add the slider from “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Post Slider”

    See the theme instruction at


    In reply to: Footer and White Space


    @rawb_in: To decrease the white space between the Footer Widgets and Featured Post Slider. Decrease the padding top in the following css and add it in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.
    `.blog #main { padding-top: 40px; }`

    Actually the footer widget is to be show in all pages. But the following css will help you to hide it in other pages and will only show in your homepage.
    #footer-sidebar { display: none; }
    .blog #footer-sidebar { display: block; }


    In reply to: slider options?


    Hi Sakin,

    I’ve set the slider to Featured Image, enable on home page.

    Under image, I’ve put in the url from my media library which is set to 976×313 in the thumbnail editor.

    No link.  Didn’t check off, “to open in new window”.  The image comes in in the proper proportions but small (maybe it works on mobile). I know the images work correctly in the post, so is there another step I am missing?  I am using Post Thumbnail editor and also resized images in Picasa.

    Site is  Thanks for your help.



    In reply to: Footer and White Space


    @rawb_in: Yes you can decrease the white space between the Footer Widgets and Featured Post Slider. That is not a problem. But you cannot remove show footer widget only in homepage. Footer means it will be on all page. But there is a css trick that you can use to hide it.

    So, first send me your site URL.


    Thanks Sakin! It worked.

    Do you know how I can post the footer only on my homepage?  I have three widgets that I just want to show on the homepage, not all the pages.


    You can download from here . You will see the list of version files.


    In reply to: slider options?


    Hi Sakin,  Great! Thanks for the clarification.  Would you recommend editing these to fit the slider proportions in an image editor first (i used picasa) before importing into wordpress media and from there set featured image slider? I had some issues with 1 of my images in the past, this resolved the issue.



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