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  • #5615

    Hi there —

    Three things:

    1) How can I center the site title and tag line?

    2) How can I remove the social links from the header

    3) How can I change the color of the font in the sidebar headlines?


    Website is now available to view:


    Thank you for all the help!


    @SodaPopPR: To center the site title and tag line, you can just add the following CSS in your “custom CSS” box in Theme Options panel.

    #header .logo-wrap { float: none; margin: 54px auto 0; padding: 0; text-align: center; }
    #site-details { float: none; }

    There is no option to remove the social links from the header in Simple Catch Free Theme. But you can hide by adding following CSS in your “custom CSS” box in Theme Options panel.
    #header .social-search { display: none; }

    To change the color of the font in the sidebar headlines you can just add the following CSS in your “custom CSS” box in Theme Options panel. Change the color code as per you need.
    #sidebar h3 { color: #666666; }

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