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  • #10092

    Hi, And thanks for all your attentive responses.

    I However can not find the answer to my problem. As in a few posts down I am having a problem to get the post slider to work. I am uploading a featured image to each post and putting the correct Post ID into the Featured Slider Post box but it just won’t work. Tried several times and no joy. Please help.


    Many thanks


    @Dirtriding: The task you are doing in fine. Looks like you have customize the core theme files. Can you try reloading the theme and also try disabling Next Gen gallery plugin and clearing your cache.


    Thanks Sakin, that worked. Another question I know I can remove the search box from the right hand side of the header but I would like to place a contact number and some social icons in it’s place. Is this possible on this version?


    @Dirtriding: To customize the header right section in Catch Everest Free theme you need to build child theme and edit the code. But if you upgrade to Catch Everest Pro version you will have Header Right Sidebar to edit that section.


    Ok thank you sorry another problem with the slider. When I try to link the post to a page through the Permalink it now keeps automatically putting a 2 on the end of the link so the image directs to a page with just the post on that I have created just for the slider. I managed to do it with the first two slider images and now every new slider I post it doesn’t work. Can you let me know how I get the slider to link directly to a page and not the post I have created just for the slider?


    I just want to add its the sea to sky freeride page I am trying to link slider 3 to with no luck.. Thanks in advance for your help


    @Dirtriding: You can just add post in the featured slider in Catch Everest Free theme. For more option look at Catch Everest Pro to add page or image slider.

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