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  • in reply to: make category descriptions visible #181051
    the brink


    I have removed the line of code I added from category.php and the category descriptions have vanished.

    here are lines 20 to 30 of my archive.php file if that’s any help:

    <header class=”page-header”>
    <?php the_archive_title( ‘<h1 class=”page-title”>’, ‘</h1>’ ); ?>
    </header><!– .page-header –>
    <div class=”square”><?php echo cleanportfolio_get_svg( array( ‘icon’ => ‘square’ ) ); ?><span class=”screen-reader-text”><?php esc_html_e( ‘Square’, ‘cleanportfolio’ ); ?></span></div>
    <?php the_archive_description( ‘<div class=”archive-description”>’, ‘</div>’ ); ?>
    </div><!– .archive-heading-wrapper –>

    $blog_display = get_option( ‘jetpack_content_blog_display’);

    if ( ‘content’ == $blog_display ) : ?>

    in reply to: Highlight text #181050
    the brink

    wow, thats great, it works perfectly.

    Now I’m just wondering how I can apply that same concept to other elements of my site?
    I’m unsure what the ‘#post-2 .entry-content span p a’ refers to.

    Thanks for your help!

    in reply to: make category descriptions visible #181042
    the brink


    Yeah I’ve managed to make them visible by adding in a bit of code to the category.php file of my child theme as suggested in another forum. I was a little wary about this as I don’t know anything about php but it seems to have worked.

    In case you have any advice or warning about this the code I added was:

    the_archive_description( ‘<div class=”taxonomy-description”>’, ‘</div>’ );

    on line 27 just under the <header> division.

    Anything I’ve missed here?
    Anything it might mess up?

    Thanks a lot,


    in reply to: social menu doesn't respond to styling in css #181039
    the brink

    Done. Thanks for your help.

    in reply to: Title won't change colour #181037
    the brink

    Hi Skandha,

    Sure, no bother at all. I’ll get right on that.

    Do you think you could do me a favour and look at this thread? It’s the main thing holding us back just now from being able to go public with our new website and it would be great to get it done.

    Also I was wondering what time zone you guys are working from and what your working hours are? I’ve decided to log in now as this seems to be the time you tend to answer – I think we might be in opposing time zones!

    Anyway thanks for your help


    in reply to: Change wording of footer #180881
    the brink

    ok thanks

    in reply to: Title won't change colour #180880
    the brink

    ok thanks for you help

    in reply to: no sound in header video #180879
    the brink

    Hi Skandha,

    I don’t think wordpress is at fault here, since when I embed the same URLs into my posts all the clickable bits on that appear on youtube are also clickable in the post.

    I’m guessing it’s a feature of the theme’s featured video displayer which only takes the audio-visual content from the URL and not any of the interactive elements.

    Would be great to fix it if possible but it’s ok if not as a featured video is not absolutely essential to us.



    in reply to: resizing image thumbnails #180878
    the brink

    Hi Skandha,

    Just tried that, it didn’t work.

    It just transformed the thumbnails that were the right size (migrant caravan series on line three of the thumbnails) to be the same square format as the “changing tack series” (latest, 2nd latest and 4th latest posts) and left the “musings” section alone (2nd latest and 6th latest posts).

    Any ideas how I can get the “migrant caravan” series back to the way they were and all other thumbnails to look the same?\

    Thanks for your help,


    in reply to: make category descriptions visible #180874
    the brink

    The categories for which I have written descriptions are all the sub-categories under Video i.e.:

    Migrant Caravan
    Messages to Trump
    Changing Tack



    in reply to: social menu doesn't respond to styling in css #180873
    the brink

    Excellent, that’s done it.

    in reply to: change behaviour of title on hover #180872
    the brink


    You even chose the right colour!

    Thanks man.

    in reply to: no sound in header video #180761
    the brink

    This is what it looks like.


    in reply to: hide tags #180758
    the brink

    Here is an example of a page where the tags that I want gone are showing.

    On a side note, is it possible to also remove the “author” meta data from the top of the posts?


    in reply to: hide tags #180757
    the brink

    in reply to: Title won't change colour #180755
    the brink

    Brilliant thanks!

    I was just missing the “a” after site-title. I’ve just edited it so that it now looks like this:

    .site-title a { font-family: arial;
    background-color: black;
    position: relative;
    top: 10px;
    padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;
    color: white !important;
    font-size: 35px;

    And now it works!

    I’m quite new to using css and stuff so I’m still trying to get my head round it all. Do you have any idea why my original code (same as above without the “a”) allowed be to change all other values, just not the colour of the lettering?

    Thanks for your help!

    in reply to: can i hide this info? #180629
    the brink


    I would like to change the text of this section. Is there a way to do that or do I need to delete it with that code and then insert a widget?


    in reply to: no sound in header video #180623
    the brink

    How strange,

    What I see when I pause the video is a list of suggested videos as well as other interactive elements such as “share”. The video looks and behaves exactly as it does in You Tube except none of the links are clickable.

    Do you need a screen shot? how can I send you one?


    in reply to: no sound in header video #180534
    the brink


    Thanks for the advice. The plugin has worked great to enable sound.

    What about the second issue? Is there a way of making those youtube links clickable?


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