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  • in reply to: Read more…. after last post on the main page #178636

    Done, by perunrayo

    in reply to: Read more…. after last post on the main page #178632

    Hi guys I finally finished my www ~80% and I am really glad and happy to use CATCH THEMES – the best for my purposes. Big hugs for all desingers and coders for this amazing theme.

    Now I proudly present:

    Thank you once again for it.

    in reply to: Read more…. after last post on the main page #172194

    @skandha thank you for your replay but I think i figured it out…..I had to go deeper 🙂 Labels on the pagination buttons are in EN but somehow translated to PL. I found plugin who helps me to translate and even change text on the button(works for all text in the database). I must confesed that all am I doing with WP is just “check and try, make mistake, find solutins” method 😉 I am better on graphic than coding 🙂

    If you can help me I need help with this texts:

    in reply to: Read more…. after last post on the main page #172148

    Ok, no problem I will do this – honest review after finish my site for sure. May I ask which file and where I can find to change something about paggination ? (like title of button) I am searching for 2h all theme files (maybe should i look at some tweenty theme files ?) cant find source 🙁

    Have a good day
    Kind Regards,

    in reply to: Read more…. after last post on the main page #172120

    Thank you for this improvement.

    in reply to: Read more…. after last post on the main page #172112

    Hi again.

    It works like a charm. I forgot that I setup to see default 20 number of post so it was nothing to paginate :)I changed to 3 while I have like 8 posts and works great. Thank you very much !!! but 😉

    How to force the theme to get position from like 1 real post on the next pages ? Let me explain.

    If you enter to my site, first what you see is “intro” page with tram picture and big title “WITAM (Hello)” on it and main menu at the bottom……. If you scroll down (and after third post) you will see pagination area. If you hit 2 page button site will be reload and in my opinion should set to the 4th post not “intro” page with train again. I hope I explained it correctly.

    in reply to: Read more…. after last post on the main page #172111


    I dont know what is wrong – but doesnt work.

    Look at my page I setup:

    Pagination: Numeric next Default…

    and checked as you said.

    in reply to: Read more…. after last post on the main page #171991

    I am looking for some solution anyway. I have a question. If (for example) I have 20 posts and I setup theme to see only 10 first, how to get in to the archive and see all of them or rest of them which are not visible at the begining ?I cant find archive sub-site ?


    in reply to: Read more…. after last post on the main page #171968

    BTW: This is the greatest WP theme I ever seen. Before I chose I did huge research and this is number one. I tried to use it with Elementor plugin but this plugin has a lot of issue bout streaching correct image to right resolution.

    Anyway thank you for this theme, just perfect.

    in reply to: Read more…. after last post on the main page #171967

    @Skandha thank you very much for your replay. I think it will be very usefull feature. I am looking forward. Thank you.

    in reply to: Read more…. after last post on the main page #171952

    I setup-read to “new post on main site” and after ~ 10 I would like to have some button or link “read more” and see the rest of next 10 already existed ?

    temporary is:


    just add:

    .primary-search-wrapper { display: none!important; }

    in reply to: Main menu position on the first page #166727

    Thank you for answer. I tried some custom css but it still tries animate it when scroll 😉 Anyway I ll try to go deeper 🙂

    in reply to: Main menu position on the first page #166664

    Hi, let me explaine.

    When we load this demo page:
    first what we see is a picture of some couple and at the bottom is main menu right.
    When we scroll down this main menu is going to the top.

    All I want to know 🙂

    Is there any solution to set this menu at the top on default….above this dancing couple. Just solid position always on the top.

    Thank you.

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