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  • in reply to: website doesn't show properly on mobile #131766
    Cia Jansen

    Hey Tikaram, I tried to do this but it doesn’t work. Any other ideas? Thanks and greeting

    in reply to: website doesn't show properly on mobile #131519
    Cia Jansen

    hey Tikaram, I don’t understand the “about” section in your answer. My question was:
    I have several pages on my website and 2 pages have subpages: architecture and stories.
    If you only click on architecture (or stories) you see a white space with the text architecture in it and nothing else because that page is empty and the parent page.

    So how can I avoid that it looks like this when you click on architecture:

    That you cannot click on the word architecture (or stories)? Or that you don’t get a white /empty space but the subpages?
    Thank you

    in reply to: website doesn't show properly on mobile #131399
    Cia Jansen

    Hello Tikaram: it works! Thank you!

    And do you have an answer for my other question? The one about the parent-pages en subpages (reply 131236)?


    in reply to: website doesn't show properly on mobile #131344
    Cia Jansen

    in reply to: website doesn't show properly on mobile #131343
    Cia Jansen

    Screenshot website on phone

    Hello, I just logged in on my phone to send you a link with the screenshot of my website. I hope this helps explainig my previous question what my website looks like on a phone and what the problem is. I hope you can help me.


    in reply to: website doesn't show properly on mobile #131236
    Cia Jansen

    and since I have your attention I have another question :).
    I have 2 pages on my website with subpages: architecture and stories. If you only click on architecture (or stories) you see a white space with the text architecture in it and nothing else because that page is empty and the parent page. My question: is there a way to avoid that? That you cannot click on the word architecture or stories? Or that you don’t get a white /empty space but the subpages?
    For me it is obvious that you see a + next to the word, but not for everybody apparently.
    And on the mobile device (how you see it on your laptop when you’re customising your website), the + is to the right side of the menu-space, so there it is not so obvious.

    Thank you

    in reply to: website doesn't show properly on mobile #131231
    Cia Jansen

    Hey Tikaram, the easiest way would be to send you a screenshot from my mobile so you see what you first see when you open the site on a mobile device, but how do I do that here? I tried with the url but that doesn’t show the same.

    I will try to explain in text: when you open on a mobile device you see a total white space and on top a blue beam with Menu (left) and search (right) in it, under that a white square with a big black line around it and my header image with the text photography on top.
    Than you see the text: Nothing Found…..apologies, but no results were found etc… Than again a white beam with search. And under that, still on a white background you see these texts:


    ……… and so on, all my pages in blue text

    And what you are supposed to see is a total black background with my header picture on top and Cia Jansen photography under that and than the menu and than the 4 featured contents when you scroll down with black&white pictures on a black background.

    I hope this helps you find the problem.
    I checked on different mobile devices from different brands and they all had the same problem.

    Thank you!

    in reply to: website doesn't show properly on mobile #131167
    Cia Jansen

    sorry, I thought I already did that

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