Hey, Sakin
Thank you for the reply and your kind comments about my web site in progress.
Unfortunately, making the hgroup-wrap padding bottom zero did not work for some reason. As a test I also used the same recommended code in all @media sections and the original padding still appears on the hgroup-wrap when I look at it on Firebug.
After some experimenting what did remove that white space above the menu bar was the following code:
@media only screen
and (min-device-width : 768px)
and (max-device-width : 1024px)
and (orientation : portrait) {
/* iPhone Portrait */
#hgroup-wrap {
max-height: 270px;
I am not sure why that worked and I am EXTREMELY hesitant about using an actual height number in any @media as I know how touchy responsive modes can be.
Any thoughts as to why the padding-bottom zero code did not work would be appreciated.
I love this theme and appreciate your help in making it my vision.