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  • #146379

    Hello, there is a conflict between Adventurous pro and the woocommerce cart. The issue is when a customer adds multiple products to the shopping cart. If they add the products one after another without viewing the cart in between adding new products, then it works fine. However, if the customer adds a product looks in the cart and then returns to the store and adds another product there is a problem because the second product isn’t doesn’t show up in the cart. This creates confusion and it discourages people form making multiple orders. Additionally, there are issues removing products from the cart.

    I have checked with woocommerce already and they directed me back to you. I have also tried disabling plugins but there is no conflict there. This issue has come up before and I posted it in the forum, but Mahesh told me he thought it was ok. But the problem still exists and customers are telling me it isn’t working. So it is a bigger issue now and we need to address it.

    Thank you,


    Hello, Do you guys have a work around for this? I just received a second customer inquiry about the same issue in the same 24 hour period. I have been working for over a year to get organic traffic into the website, and it is finally here and I can no longer ignore this issue. Please advise as soon as possible. Thank you – Edwin


    @mmhgloba : The issue seems to be related with cache and not with theme or Woocommerce Plugin.
    If you reload the page pressing the key combination (Ctrl + R) in the keyboard after adding multiple products, you can see the difference. Please deactivate any caching plugins that you have used. Additionally, can you please provide the list of plugins you have used on your site ?



    I am not using any caching plugins that I am aware of. This is a list of what I am using at the moment


    @mmhgloba : The caching might be at server level if it’s not due to the plugins. Please contact your web hosting server and ask them to remove cache from server level. Let me know if the problem still persists.



    The web hosting company told me they do not have server caching and the problem still persists.


    I had a technician look at it and they think it is not a cache issue it is a cookie issue. Can you make adjustments to the script? That is what he suggested. They also confirmed again that cache is not operating on the server or in my website.


    @mmhgloba : If there is any issue with the script we can do the correction but till date we have no any issues at our end as well as other users using the same theme. Maybe, We need to look at your plugins more closely. Will look at the theme as well. Can you please try deactivating all plugins for testing purpose and activate the plugin one by one along with testing the cart page on your website. Have you done any plugin changes recently.



    @mmhgloba : Please try changing the theme as well for testing purpose. If the problem still persist after changing the theme then it is not a theme related issue. If the problem resolves after changing the theme, it should be a theme related issue. Please let me know after you have done the testing



    I changed the theme to twenty fourteen and the problem still existed. I also disabled all the plug ins and the problem still persisted. I tried using the cart with the plugins disabled with both adventurous pro and twenty fourteen. The problem still existed under all circumstances.

    So what are my options from here? Do I have a bug or something? There must be thousands or even millions of webmasters using the basic WordPress platforms with the Woocommerce shopping cart and it is hard to believe that this problem would exist on all those other websites. There must be some kind of simple solution for this.


    @mmhgloba : We can conclude that there is an issue with the server. Since the issue is showing up with the default WordPress theme as well, the issue is not theme related and as you have stated you have disabled all plugins as well. The server may be misconfigured. You can try switching the server if you have any other servers.


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