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  • #315759
    Desley Casey


    I had an older version of Catch Box Pro which had the settings for a really good primary menu bar under logo image.  Now in the current version this has gone.  I want it back please because the site looks absolutely terrible that the primary menu is in the header right side bar – looks absolutely pathetic is state the bleeding obvious.

    I want the menu the same as the footer menu please.  How do I do this.  I’m right over developers fixing what not broken and this is a classic example to put it milding.  Yes, I’m very annoyed as I paid a lot of money for this theme, only to find that people will not be able to navigate the site properly and easily.

    Please advise

    Desley Casey

    I honestly don’t believe that the developers did something so stupid as to do away with the primary menu being horizontal across the page.  Regardless of current designs the developers should at least give customers the option to elect how they wish the primary menu to be displayed under logo as in horizontal format.  I want my money back please because what I’ve received is stupdity of the first order.

    Desley Casey

    I never would have purchased the updated pro version if I had know the developers were going to be stupid with their actual design template.  Yes, I’m very, very annoyed to state the bleeding obvious.  And I will never recommend this rubblish to anyone.


    @edpcommunicationsoutlook-com : Please follow the link below where you can check the demo of the theme.
    Can you please post in your site URL so that I can check for issues on your site and let you know about the issue.



    @edpcommunicationsoutlook-com : The primary menu is still under the Logo image. We have not made any major changes in the design of the theme. Please provide me your site URL I will check your site and provide you the fix if there are any other issues.


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