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  • #6345


    I had another issue. I am trying to insert the plugin “simple facebook connect” to use FB’s comments and auto post blog posts to FB.

    Anyways, I checked their FAQ’s and it said that if the comments were not working to try this:
    In your comments.php file (or wherever your comments form is), you need to do the following.

    Find the three inputs for the author, email, and url information. They need to have those ID’s on the inputs (author, email, url). This is what the default theme and all standardized themes use, but some may be slightly different. You’ll have to alter them to have these ID’s in that case.

    Just before the first input, add this code: [div id=”comment-user-details”] [?php do_action(‘alt_comment_login’); ?]

    (Replace the []’s with normal html greater/less than signs).

    Just below the last input (not the comment text area, just the name/email/url inputs, add this: [/div]

    That will add the necessary pieces to allow the script to work.
    If you’re using WordPress 3.0 and the new “comments_form” code (like in the Twenty Ten theme), then this is unnecessary! Check ottopress.com for info on how to upgrade your theme to use the new 3.0 features.
    I can’t find this anywhere in the comments.php…..any ideas?


    @kdhutto1: Sorry I am not aware of that plugin. So, you might want to hire a customizer or work with plugin developer to add it. IF there is anything we can do to make it compatible then we can add that code. But you need to take support from plugin author.

    We have file comments.php and it is also alter through file catchbox-functions.php where you will see the function catchbox_comment_form_fields() to alter the comment form fields.

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