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    I love CB public but decided to pay $29 and upgrade to CB Pro.  However upon uploading and activating, I see that alot of the standard customization is lost (example: menu setups missing, background image missing, etc).  I was hoping that all of this would not have been altered by installing the new theme. Ive set my theme back to public/free version until I get more comfortable.  Is there any kind of doc I can read that explains what I will need to re-do after activating the upgrade?


    @Robo: That shouldn’t be a problem as the Catch Box Free Version and Catch Box Pro version uses the same code base. Just has lot of feature added. So, that shouldn’t be a problem.

    If you are using Custom Menu from “Appearance => Menu” and Custom Background from “Appearance => Background”. Then yes, for these you need to resign it.

    For menu, just go to Appearance => Menu and then select your menu in the header and all other section as per you need.

    For Background, you can get the same image or background color from Appearance => Background and then select color or chose image from your media library.

    I hope this will be fine. If you have any problem then let me know then I will contact you and do that for you.


    Thanks. I made it work. Just had to re-upload the background image. Also a widget I had in the first footer section, got moved to a different section after the upgrade (a header widget section). It was just a few things like that which made me a bit nervous, but nothing too difficult after all.  THANKS


    @Robo: Great it all work for you. thanks.


    @Sakin How do i make my own Topics?
    I got Catch box pro and also an account on the page.

    Got a question about changing meny bars text colours!


    @Mickesan: You can just login and post your own topic

    For changing the text color of menu items, just add the following css in “Custom CSS” box in Theme Options panel. Change the color code as per your need.
    #branding a { color: #eeeeee; }

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