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  • #269605
    Frau Windy

    I used the free version of Catch Base since 1 year and I made changes in a child theme.

    Today I upgraded to Pro and now I need to know how to proceed… nearly all my changes are gone.

    Thanks for your quick reply.



    @frau-windy: When you upgrade from Free to Pro the settings will be automatically copied in the Pro version. If you are facing issues please let me know. Please post in your site URL as well and let me know more details about the issues.


    Frau Windy

    @tikaram: Thank you so far.

    My website is , and my standard layou is “content, primary sidebar;
    but I still have the following issues:

    1. the specific woocommerce standard sidebar doesn’ show. How can I add the woocommerce sidebar to my shop site?

    2. I’d like to have a different nav menue on all woocommerce sites.

    3. On startpage I’d like to have my primary nav menu beyond the slider.

    Hope you can help.

    Thx Regine


    @frau-windy: To add WooCommerce sidebar
    Login to your WordPress admin section. Go to Appearance => Widgets. You will find list of sidebar to use. Locate WooCommerce Primary sidebar and add the desired items.

    Regarding Menu : The theme offers four menu locations. You can create different menus for different locations and assign them as desired.
    The menu locations can be accessed from Appearance => Menus.

    To change the position of nav menu you will need to customize your site using a child theme. Let me know if you are comfortable with child theme customization.


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