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  • #9790

    I updated the theme and now every single page I visit in my wordpress site has the following visible in the header, “Warning: in_array() []: Wrong datatype for second argument in mysite_address/wp-content/themes/simple-catch/functions/simplecatch_functions.php on line 714

    Line 714 in that file reads, “if ( !in_array( ‘0’, $cats ) ) {”
    I in no way wrote that, nor do I have the slightest idea what it means. Can someone help me out here?


    @babyslime: Strange error. Can you go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Homepage / Frontpage category setting” Then select all the categories and save it. Then you can click on disable and save back. Check in both condition.


    I have no categories, so I just selected, “Uncategorized” and saved it. That seemed to get rid of it because I’m no longer seeing the error message! Thanks!

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