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  • #16349

    Hi Sakin,

    I’m using a child of Catch Box and I want my site to be in French. I copied the fr_FR.po from the main theme, made a few changes with Poedit, created a language folder in my child and put in the modified fr_FR file. I left intact the fr_FR in the main theme.

    It doesn’t work. So I deleted my child’s language folder and replaced the original fr_FR in the main theme with the modified one. Doesn’t work either.

    I’m a bit discouraged because my site must go live tomorrow. Everything else works fine except for language. This is a major issue as you can imagine.

    Thank you for your help.


    @dhd: Check you installation configuration as the Catch Box Theme should work in French language and many of our users are using it. Did you add the configuration as per the instruction http://codex.wordpress.org/Installing_WordPress_in_Your_Language


    Thank you Sakin. I changed wp-config.php:

    define (‘WPLANG’, ‘fr_FR’)

    and it works.

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