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  • #17263

    I just installed a copy of Catch Everest Pro Theme on a second website and
    find out that my Theme menu is not working properly.

    First I’m not able to collapse the different menu items like ‘Favicon’
    ‘Header options’ etc.

    Second the ‘change fav icon’ ‘ Change web clip icon’ etc button’s are not working and so can’t select other icon’s.

    On my other website things working the way it should but not on this fresh installed wordpress site.

    I’m using the 1.5.2 version and working mostly in Firefox.
    (same problems in Chrome)

    Hope this can be easy solved.



    @aroma-bobman: You mean the Theme Options have issue in Chrome browser. Is it same issue in both of your site or just on your new site.


    The issue is happening in both Chrome and Firefox and it’s only acting up on my new site. The other site working fine. I tried reinstalling the theme but with no
    result or improvement.


    @aroma-bobman: What is different in this new site? Maybe there in conflicting plugin. Can you try disabling plugin and check in.

    If that is still not working then I need to check in your site admin and I will email you where you can send me the access.


    @aroma-bobman: I check in your server and found that there was issue in your new server. It doesn’t accept the js name cookie. So, it blocked our js file jquery.cookie.min.js . This is ModSecurity issue. You can check with your hosting server to check on ModSecurity in order to work normal.

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