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  • #246286
    Paulo van Cuijck

    Hello Skandha,

    I uploaded the Essential Content Types Pro plugin and now the slider appears on my page English. Nice.

    There are two issues with the layout of the slider however:
    1. All circles below the testimonials – which should indicate the position within the range of testimonials – are filled in. So you don’t see where you are in the follow up of the testimonials. The slider with testimonials in Dutch on my homepage shows a filled in circle only below the active testimonial, the other circles appear online as an outline. I would like to show it this way in the slider on my page ‘English’.
    2. Even though all the testimonials written in English have the same font type (Montserrat, non bold), only the first two testimonials show the font as non-bold, the others are shown bold. How do I show all testimonials in non-bold text?
    Please take a look at the email I sent you, I attached some screen prints in it for you.

    Looking forward to your suggestions.

    Best regards,


    @paulospotonlichtontwerp-nl: Hello Paulo,

    1. To have a different color for activate testimonial dot
    Go to => Appearance => Customize => Additional CSS and add the following CSS Code.

    .cycle-pager-active {
        color: #e5b334;

    2. This is because you have used double quote " before the testimonial text on all testimonial posts except 1st and the 2nd. Removing the quote should make the text show up normally

    Let me know if this works out!
    Kind Regards,

    Paulo van Cuijck

    Upon Skandha’s advice I upgraded to the Essential Content Types Pro plugin. The testimonials slider appears now using shortcode.

    There are two issues with the layout of the slider however:
    1. All circles below the testimonials – which should indicate the position within the range of testimonials – are filled in. So you don’t see where you are in the follow up of the testimonials. The slider with testimonials in Dutch on my homepage shows a filled in circle only below the active testimonial, the other circles appear online as an outline. I would like to show it this way in the slider on my page ‘English’.
    2. Even though all the testimonials written in English have the same font type (Montserrat, non bold), only the first two testimonials show the font as non-bold, the others are shown bold. How do I show all testimonials in non-bold text?
    Looking forward to your suggestions.




    @paulospotonlichtontwerp-nl: Hello Paulo,
    I just replied to these issue above. Can you please check?

    Kind Regards,

    Paulo van Cuijck

    Hi Skandha,

    I updated the Essential Types Pro plugin to version 2.3.2.
    Since, the slider on my page only shows the shortcode, no longer the testimonials itself.
    How do I fix this?



    Paulo van Cuijck


    The same thing happens on the following pages:

    The projects don’t show, but the shortcode is visible to everyone.

    so could you please look into my website to solve this if you don’t mind.

    Paulo van Cuijck

    I reinstalled version 2.3.1 and my site shows correctly again. Seems like there’s a bug in version 2.3.2., am I right?


    @paulospotonlichtontwerp-nl: Hello Paulo,
    I will check the issue at my end and get back to you soon.

    Kind Regards,


    @paulospotonlichtontwerp-nl: Hello Paulo,
    I didn’t find the issue at my end with the 2.4 version of Essential Content Types Pro plugin. Are you still having this issue?

    Kind Regards,

    Paulo van Cuijck

    Hi Skandha,

    I installed 2.4.
    There’s an issue after that however:
    The testimonial slider on my page, which includes 8 testimonials only shows a picture above one testimonial now.
    In the other 7 testimonials, the pictures have disappeared.
    For the testimonial slider on this page we used a shortcode as you know. Can you look into that and let me know how to get all 8 pictures back?




    @paulospotonlichtontwerp-nl: Hello Paulo,
    I don’t seem to have the issue at my end. I will contact you shortly through email.

    Kind Regards,

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