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  • #18816


    I have an issue with sliders.

    Whatever I try to configure as a slider (post, pages, category or image) and howmany numbers I put I have only the first one as a fix image in the slider.

    I have tried to deactivate most of my plugins but it does not change any thing.

    Maybe i mess something ?

    Can you give me some advice…


    I have found myself the solution… it was one of my plugin i did not deactivate yet !

    The plugin is “Better WordPress Minify”

    Now that it works I have one more question :

    Is it possible to block the size of the slider whatever the dimension of images. I use the Image Slider Option and one of my images is in portrait mode and when it shows on the screen the slider window expands…


    @Olivier: Can you send me your site URL so that I can check in.


    My site is ok now since I have regenerate my thumbnail for my feature images,

    But if you do not, the height of the slider screen is changing depending of the image dimension…

    I was just wondering if you plan to offer theme option in the future to modify the default sizes of the slider.


    @Olivier: Image Slider is there to give you full flexibility of image, title, content and link. But if you use Featured Post Slider or Page Slider or Category Slider then it will crop your featured image to exact dimension of 754px width and 400px height. See the detail instruction at http://catchthemes.com/theme-instructions/catch-evolution-pro/


    Hi, I’m also having this problem with my client’s Website. She uses Catch Evolution Pro (2.7). It just suddenly stopped working. We only see the main slider.


    @Kathleen: Can you post in your site URL here. So, that I can check in. If there is sudden stop of slider, then you might want to check in your recently activated and updated plugin. There might be some conflict with the plugin. So, try deactivating plugin one by one to check in the conflicting plugin.

    Note: I am bit confused about your question. You said that your clients site slider stopped working and then again you said we only see the main slider. We only have one slider in theme.



    Sorry about that, I meant that my client’s slider is stuck on the first slide. The URL is http://topsybooks.com. It’s the same with http://livrestopsy.com

    Sometimes when I am updating text in WordPress and I check the site in Chrome browser, it seems to change slides. Then for no reason, it stops.

    I manually installed the Pro version of the theme but I get a message in WordPress to update the theme. However, it’s still at 2.7, right?

    Thank you!



    Hi Kathleen,

    The slider will slide only after the site has been loaded fully. We did this in order to load your content first. But you have your site loading issue sometime. So, can you try adding in W3 Total Cache plugin. Also sometime the loading issue might be caused by your hosting server.


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