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  • #112436


    Issue #1: On my Android if I hit the browser refresh button my website Menu button stops working (it will not open to show the menu).

    Issue #2: Using Wen Business Pro, I am using the featured slider on my home page / front page. (website: http://www.cadencequalification.com). I have two images in the slider and when I am in WordPress the slider appears to work correctly. However, when I go to the website via my google chrome browser, the two images appear simultaneously on the page, they are static and the image text does not appear. This problem occurs on smart phones (Android and Apple) – the slider appears to work correctly on my desktop screen. Google’s rendering function “Fetch as Google” also shows the page with both pictures simultaneously. As a test, when I add three images to the slider, all three images appear simultaneously. Please advise!!



    It seems like there is some javascript conflict in between those functionalities that stopped from working.

    Therefore at the moment, we would like to suggest you to disable the plugins and see if theme ( slider and menu ) standalone works well or not. If one of the plugin is causing this issue we recommend you to find an alternative of it.

    If still the problem persists with plugin deactivation, please let us know so that we could try suggesting you for other possible solutions.




    Thank you for the advice. By trial-and-error, it appears the “NextGEN Gallery” plugin was causing the issue that affected the slider and menu button, after the internet browser refresh button was pressed.

    Do you know of a plugin that is compatible with WEN Business Pro to display slide shows and static pictures?




    At the moment, we do not have specific plugin to suggest you for slide shows which is compatible with our theme.

    Anyway you can try searching similar plugin through this link https://wordpress.org/plugins/search.php?q=slideshow

    Hope this would help you.


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