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  • #11334

    Theme: Catch Everest Pro
    i thought i’ve posted my problem last night but i can’t find it, so sorry if is a double topic.
    When i assign posts to a category and then open the category page i can’t see the posts title. I see the featured image, metas and content, but the title it seems to desappear. Then if i click on the post, when it open the title is there.

    I don’t know if it could be useful but i use simple catch too and in it the title is shown above the featured image, while in my catch everest i can see (using firebug) that the entry-title place is below the featured image, but nothing is shown.
    Did i messed up something with my css personalization or is normal behaviour of catch everest.
    Thanks for your attention.


    @donestefano71: Can you send me your Site URL? So, that I can look in your css customization.


    Yes of course

    The url is http://www.mexiconuvole.com
    and the problem is in the category called “links”

    thank you


    Hi Sakin,


    I am using catch everest theme but want to display just post tiles in categories.

    I did this but now the categories are empty


    this is my website . thanks


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