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  • #8265

    I am still having an issue with the image on the home page. I am using the ‘Header featured image’ options. I do not want people to be able to view the image, I want nothing to happen when you click on it. I removed the ‘link’ from the settings, but then it reverts to your everest image. Your everest image is how I want mine to look. Standalone and not able to expand it or view it. I would change the everest image in the code to mine, but not sure where to find it.

    2. I created a custom menu. This was so I could make ‘home’ static, I was unable to do it using your custom home page. This has worked, but I now have lost the featured content headings, the images show, not the headings. The settings in the theme are all correct. I had entered the following code into the CSS >> .page .entry-title { display: none; } to remove the page titles on each page. I have just removed that code from the CSS and my featured content headings are now back. Is there code to remove just the page titles but to keep the featured content titles?



    @Potzas: To remove the link in the “Header Featured Image”, go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Header Featured Image Options”. Then on empty the field “Featured Header Image Link URL” and save it. Just add the image to the field “Featured Header Image URL”.

    To create a homepage static, You don’t need to set homepage as static. You can just add the home in the custom menu through “Appearance => Menu”. Then in Pages box, click on “View All”, where you will see “Home:Home” just click on that and click on add to Menu.

    I have also emailed you fore more detail support.


    Thanks for that. Regarding the featured image, I did that! When I remove the “Featured Header Image Link URL” it reverts to your everest picture. Thanks, will check email 🙂

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