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  • #313001

    I have just finished a website and noticed that the home page displays correctly however the second page seems to have a sidebar on the right and the page is skewed to the left.

    We aren’t using sidebars, so is there anyone that can help me go full width with the second page please.

    I have been in the forum before under a different username but catchthemes would not let me log in with my original username astro303 as I wanted to thank someone for helping me with another issue. I had to create a new one. It wouldn’t send me emails for forgotten password either.



    @astro2002 : Thank you for using Catch Shop Theme. To remove the Sidebar : Login to your WordPress admin section.
    Go to Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Layout Options.
    Under Default Layout : Select No Sidebar: Full Width and click on publish to save the setting.

    There might be some issue with your previous account. You may continue with the new account let me know if there is anything more I can help you with.



    Thanks so much! I did this.

    Once again your response and service here is extremely impressive!! Thanks so much. I will continue to use Catch Themes as my go to!

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