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  • #167555

    Hi i’m a newbie here and have a few questions. I have tried googling but can’t find the right answer to help me.

    1. I am setting up a travel blog. The main menu I have created a page that says destinations. Once on the destination page i would like to display a grid of 7 pictures with each one being a page to each contient. Then once in each continent eg Africa i would like to add country pages eg morocco. (im confused as to how to set up pages, catergories, sub items ect )

    2. I have set up a menu the parent page is “explore more” the category i have added under this is “travel inspiration” and “travel tips”. when i click on these pages in the header image the word “category” is showing. eg Category: Travel Inspiration. I just want it to say “travel inspiration”.
    How can i remove the word “category” on my header image on each page?

    Thank you in advance for your help 🙂


    @reneecarlson94: You can create continent as the parent page for the countries and add the pages as desired. Setting up your site is based on the requirements of your website so I think I may not be able to address the first query properly. Regarding the second query, you will need to create a child theme to remove the word Category as this option is not available in the customizer. Please let me know if you are comfortable with child theme customization. Let me know if you have any more theme related issues.



    Yes i have a child theme set up. Could you please tell me how to remove the word “category”.



    You will need to add the following code in the bottom of your functions.php file of the child theme.

    add_filter( 'get_the_archive_title', function ( $title ) {
        if( is_category() ) {
            $title = single_cat_title( '', false );
        return $title;

    Let me know if this resolves your issue.


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