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  • #308968

    How can I remove the “eye” that appears on WooCommerce product images when the mouse hovers over them? This always appears on mobile devices and also on desktop when using the WooCommerce Product Showcase in Theme Options. Thanks!


    @spiekosz : Login to your WordPress admin section. Go to Appearance => Customize => Additional css and add the following css

    ul.products li.product > a::before {
      display: none;

    Brilliant, Tikaram. Thanks for the super quick response!


    @spiekosz : Nice to hear back from you and glad that my support worked on your website. If it’s not too much trouble, I have a quick request: could you please leave an honest review? . Your review will help others know what to expect when they’re looking for the support I offer. Even a sentence or two would be hugely appreciated.

    Thanks, and if there’s anything else at all that I can do to help, don’t hesitate to let me know.

    Have a good day! 🙂


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