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  • #105833

    I purchased Fabulous fluid Pro…

    I have tried to change the colour of the promotional header text… I can change the back ground colour, thats it…nothing else…
    Disappointed that I purchased the Pro version that promises the ability to change colours…however it doesnt work

    I would NOT recommend purchasing Fabulous fluid Pro



    In addition I ended up removing the Front page slider as when viewed by mobile devices…the text would overlap other portions of the page…making them unreadable and nothing like what you would consider proffessional

    Again…I would NOT recommend purchasing the Pro version of this theme


    Hi @Kaiapoi,

    I apologize for having bad experience with the theme. I will try to resolve your issues as swiftly as possible.

    I have tried to change the colour of the promotional header text… I can change the back ground colour, thats it…nothing else…
    I checked it on my installation, and all the color ootions for promotion headline is working properly. Is there any custom CSS overriding our CSS. Please post in your site url and I will check this for you.

    In addition I ended up removing the Front page slider as when viewed by mobile devices…the text would overlap other portions of the page…making them unreadable and nothing like what you would consider proffessional
    Again, for this I will need your site URL to check it. Please post in your site URL so I can check it.



    Thank you Pratik,

    I have inserted the CSS code…will stick with header image for the time being…
    Thank you for your speedy response and fix..



    One last thing…I do not like the dates appearing on front page below page details..
    If you are able to tell me how to remove those, I would be grateful…

    As the dates appear in Google search and gives the impression that the site is dated…

    Thank you



    Hi @Kaiapoi,

    I can help you remove date using custom css. But I doubt it will work on google as it will only hide the date from view and not actually remove the date.

    To completely remove the date, you need to do some customization via child theme. For that, first, please make a child theme via instructions at

    After this, please let me know and I will provide you with some functions to hide date.


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