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  • #29665

    Hi, i have a little problem with the plugin “easy digital downloads”.

    – To get the full funktionality of EDD I have to setup the Landingpage as a “Download”. That’s a special kind of Side.

    – On a normal “page”, I have the Catch Evolution menu “Catch Evolution Einstellungen”. But not on the “Download Page”.

    – To design a good landing page i should coose a layout without the widget area.

    – The “Catch Evolution Einstellungen” Menu is on the “Download Page” not available. It just display the standard layout. It is with a widget area on the right side. The problem is. I can’t change the standard because of the “Home Page” there is no customization possibe. It just display the standard and i need the widgets there…

    – Do I have the possibity to get the to get that “catch evolution einstellungen metabox” onto that custom post type, which is “download” for Easy Digital Downloads.

    Have you got an Idea? Thak you very much!!!


    @Black_Bird: Sorry, we haven’t worked in with Easy Digital Download plugin. So, I guess you need to ask in Easy Digital Download plugin author support forum on how to implement it. After they send in the instructions, I can help you with it.

    For menu, I recommend you to build custom menu from “Appearance => Menus”. Read and for more details about Custom Menu.

    To remove the widgets, you can choose the layout as ” No Sidebar, Full Width ” from “Appearance => Theme Options => Layout Options”. This is for overall site, But if you want to change only for specific page then you can choose from “Catch Evolution Options” metabox below your page/post content editor.

    We have worked with WooCommerce Plugin and made our themes ready



    thank you for your quick answer! Maybe I explained it a litte bit difficult. English is not my nativ language 😉

    In the Plugin Easy Digital Downloads you can creat new “downloads” like a normal “post” or “pages”. The Cration Window looks equal. Just with one exception. The Metabox “Catch Evolution Option” will not be displayed.

    Now my question is. What have the EDD developer add, that the metabox will be displayed on the “download” creation window too.

    Thanks a lot!

    Here the Support Thread on the EDD Forum –>

    Best Regards,


    @Black_Bird: Can you post your site URL and Screenshot showing what you want to change. I am finding difficult to understand it.


    Okay, no Problem 😉

    I need this Metabox:

    here on the “download page”:

    like here on a normal “page”:

    Because if i don’t have the option to change the Layout on a Download Page it will display the standard Layout with the Widget Area on the right side. Like here

    If I Change the Standard Layout, my Startpage will change too and i really need the widgets there.

    Thank you very much!!!


    @Black_Bird: First, you are not supposed to remove the Theme Attribute in Catch Evolution Free Theme. You have remove Theme: Catch Evolution from footer. As per the license, you need to attribute the theme. If you don’t like in Footer then you need to add somewhere. Also, this is not social as we provide you free theme and free support and the only thing that we get in Attribution. So, please add it back.

    About your question, you cannot add that option in Download page. So, best will be to hide the sidebar with the help of custom css in your download page. Send me your download page URL, where you want to remove the sidebar and make it full width.


    Oh, I’m really sorry! I put it back on my fooder, I hope this is okay now.

    This is one of the Download pages:

    Thank you!


    @Black_Bird: So, if you want your download page to be 100% and hide the sidebar then you can add the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.

    .single-download #primary { width: 100%; }
    .single-download #secondary { display: none; }

    It works thank you !,

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