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  • #13266

    I’ve asked on Facebook for people to check out the new theme on my website and while people love it, almost everyone is stating that they can’t see menu bar.

    So far, I’ve been told the menu bar is missing on:

    Samsung S3
    iPhone 5 on Chrome (works on Safari on my phone)
    Galaxy S3 Chrome or Mozilla or
    Android HTC Vivid
    iPhone 4S on Chrome or Safari
    Samsung Galaxy Chrome or native browser
    iPod Touch 4th gen Safari

    All of the comments for people with tablets were that the menu bar showed up and it looked just like the desktop version.

    While I love the theme, unless this is fixed, I won’t be able to keep it.


    @karenstl: This is not a theme issue but the plugin issue. Your plugin Next Gen Gallery Version 2.0 have issue. See this support from by Next Gen Gallery Plugin author

    So, the solution from the plugin author is to rollback to the previous version of plugin. See this on how to rollback

    I don’t see the menu script catcheverest-menu.min.js file in your site.


    I’m having the same problem, but I am not using Next Gen Gallery plugin. Many of our clients have complained about not being able to navigate on their mobile devices. The menu on the website from a computer is totally visible, just not on mobile. I am using the free version of catch evolution, and am considering upgrading to pro, but I need this problem resolved before I move on. So @Karenstl, did Sakin’s suggestion work for you? And @Sakin, I’m reaching out to you to inform me of what I need to do to correct this before I purchase a license. Thanks Tom
    e-mail [email protected]
    user name publshrs


    @Thomas: Hello Thomas, I just check in your site srowlen and it’s working fine on Mobile devices. Can you check in our side?

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