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  • #38008

    Hi, I have a problem with my site, rather, the menu on the mobile site.

    It has suddenly disappeared after I updated to the new version of Catch Evolution Free.

    Would someone be able to help? I’d be happy.

    Now I use a plugin to get a menu on the mobile site.

    The menu on the PC version works well and is still there, just the mobile site is not there.

    I’ve tried everything but I think the Catch Thems have removed the property to the newer version of Catch Evolution Free.

    If you can not solve this problem, I would be interested to hear other plugin to solve the problem.

    Site url:


    @murre98: I checked in your site and see that you have modified footer.php file and it is missing js to run the mobile menu. Just reload back the footer.php file and it will work.

    1. You are not supposed to remove Footer text Theme: Catch Evolution in free theme. As per the license you need to declare it. This is only means of recognition that we get for providing you free theme and free support. That is why we have Catch Evolution Pro version for those who wants to edit the footer with Footer Editor options in Theme Options panel.
    2. You shouldn’t not edit any core theme files inside ‘catch-evolution’ directory. As these files will be reverted back to original when you update the theme. So, if you want to edit any of these functions, you need to build child theme.


    Okey thx for helping… sry but how do i reload back the “footer.php” file?


    @murre98: The best option will be to active any other default theme and then delete the existing version of Catch Evolution theme and then add new one. Do it instantly and you will not loose your any data or settings. It will just reset the changes made inside ‘catch-evolution’ directory.


    Okey thanks again.

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