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  • #155874

    Hey guys –

    On my blog page, there are 2 buttons after the last displayed blog post. The buttons are “load more” and “older posts”

    I only need to have one of these displayed so questions are where do I remove the second button / rename it?

    Also when you do load more, multiple articles repeat. You see the same as the first 4. How do we fix this? Thanks.


    @blakey0320 : Please post in your Site URL so that I can check for the issue.



    Here ya go –

    It also shows here at the bottom of the latest blog posts section –


    @blakey0320 : It looks like you have activated Jetpack plugin along with Catch Infinite Scroll. Please disable infinite scroll of jetpack or disable Catch Infinite Scroll and the issue will be resolved. Let me know if you have any more issues



    Hey @Tikaram

    In the events section, I had a question about the Bottom button Link, and the bottom button text. I would like for my home page where the events are shown, to show my 5 most recent / upcoming events, and for the bottom button link / text go to a full events page. The only problem is, I see that button

    Can you explain further the functionality of this section please? Should the link just be to my events page and I only choose to show 5 events? The problem is, if I only show 5, then my Shows & Tour Section also only shows 5 when I want it to show the full list.

    Also, I asked if you guys would be able to add a Dev to make the sizing of the events change as more are added, has that been discussed? Is there an option that the events function of this theme could flow into a calendar type look?

    Sorry for all the questions, and thanks for your help sir!


    Hey Guys –

    Just wanted to check back in on this. Any updates? Thanks again for the support.


    @blakey0320: I’m afraid the feature to show around 4-5 events in the main page and then the view more button to link a page with all the events is not possible right now. However, in the next update of Essential Content Types Pro there will be an Event Content type feature which should be able to do that.

    Currently the view more link feature will just show the events on a separate page with the events template.

    Regarding sizing of the events change as more are added and flow into a calendar type look. I’m afraid this is not possible. If you really need this I suggest to hire a customizer to get it done.

    Sorry for the inconvenience caused. Our development team working on how to make the events section more efficient and easier to use.

    Kind Regards,

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